Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Here Lima JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theory

Fifty years later, the murder of the president of the United States 35th, John F. Kennedy, was bored discussed. Especially in November, the month in which he fell into the lap of his wife, Jackie Kennedy, after a bullet penetrated his body.

Skepticism about who killed JFK is still on the minds of the American public. Most do not believe the killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone. In fact, no one suspected he was not the culprit.

In 1964, a year after his death, the White House set up a commission to investigate it, which is better known as the Warren Commission. The commission's conclusions, Kennedy was assassinated by a gunman acting alone, Lee Harvey Oswald, and not part of the conspiracy.

In 1978, Congress also established a committee to investigate. They found that in addition to Oswald, there is the possibility of a second gunman opened fire on the motorcade took the president. The Commission concluded that the gunmen were part of a "conspiracy", without specifying who was behind the conspiracy.

ABC News poll in 2003 found 70 percent of Americans believe that Kennedy's death was "the result of the plot, not the act of a lone assassin". Some 51 percent believe Oswald did not act alone, and 7 percent believe Oswald was not involved at all in the murder.

Since the death of Kennedy, has more than 2,000 books have been written about the murder, many of which support one or more conspiracy theories. Here are five of conspiracy theories related to the assassination of JFK compiled by ABC News:

Conspiracy # 1: Soviet culprit

Soviet often a 'suspect' main behind the Kennedy assassination. Proponents of this theory has two pieces of evidence. First, the US and the Soviet Union engaged in a cold war at that time. The conspiracy theory states that the Soviet prime minister, Nikita Khrushchev, was so embarrassed at having to step down after the Cuban Missile Crisis which he commanded to target Kennedy.

Secondly, there is a connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and the Soviet Union. Although former Marines, Oswald had twice visited the Soviet Union with his wife, Marina, who bleed Russia. Both the Warren Commission and the Committee of Congress found little evidence, but one former KGB agent said several years later that the Soviet Union played a role in this plan.

Conspiracy # 2: Mafia culprit

The theory is that many US public believed. CIA had contacts with these groups to discuss kill the president. Only, president targeted to be killed was Fidel Castro, the Cuban president.

Mafia investing in the casino business and other profitable investments in Cuba before the communist revolution Castro, according to one version of the theory. Kennedy's failed invasion of the Bay of Pigs to put an end to any hopes that American organized crime to return to Cuba.

Moreover, the mafia does not like JFK step brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, are beating the drums of war with his vow to roll mafia. By killing JFK, then Robert Kennedy would die steps.

One version of this theory called the CIA, who planned to kill Castro, asked the team prepared to execute Castro diverted to kill Kennedy.

Proponents of this theory offered evidence konspirsi Jack Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner known to have ties with the mafia, killed Lee Harvey Oswald two days after his arrest.

The Warren Commission cleanse mafia involvement in this plot. Congressional committee found that mafia is not involved in the conspiracy, but did not rule out any individual with mafia ties being part of the plot.

Konsirasi # 3: Cuba culprit

Given that US agents tried to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro many times, then based on this theory, Castro decided to pay someone to kill Kennedy.

The most famous supporter of this theory is that President Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded JFK person after he was killed. "Kennedy tried to kill Castro, but Castro did it first," he told ABC News in 1968.

The Warren Commission and the Committee of Congress ruled out engaging Cuba after Castro interviewed by Bill Moyers in 1977 and called the theory as 'absolute madness'.

Conspiracy # 4: Lyndon Johnson culprit

Who benefited the most from the Kennedy assassination? The index is also directed to Lyndon Johnson, the man who became his successor.

The essence of this theory is that Johnson, motivated by his ambition to be president, received offers of help from members of the CIA and wealthy tycoon who believe that they will benefit more under the Johnson administration.

According to one version of the theory, Johnson assisted in the plot by others who later became US president, George Bush H.W, a CIA officer who is on the rise which happened to be in Dallas on the day of the murder.

Conspiracy # 5 CIA culprit

Central Intelligence Agency at the time it was like a 'ghost' to the US public. Firm founded in 1960, has a reputation for high-level political assassination.

One theory suggests that Oswald was a CIA agent and his file destroyed after the murder, to make it appear as a communist and a single actor.

In a report in 1978, the Congressional Committee found that there was no indication of Oswald "never had contact with the CIA."


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