One important preparation before the start of the cultivation of cattle is perkandangan eligible. Cowshed must have a construction that make cows feel comfortable staying in it so that the manufacture of the cage should also follow the rules or the rules correctly so easy in cleaning cages, feeding and drinking too easily in the "handling" or the handling of cattle are kept.
Cattle Cages Colonies / Release
Type Cage. Cages can be made in the form of double or single, depending on the number of animals owned. In the cage of a single type, placements of cattle performed on one line or one line, while the dual-type cage placement conducted in two rows facing each other or opposite each other. Between the two series are usually made track to the road.
Making cages for fattening purposes (kereman) usually singular if the capacity of the livestock kept only slightly. However, if the activity is intended for commercial cattle production, the size of the cage should be larger and larger so that it can accommodate more number of cows.
Floor of the cage should be sought kept clean to prevent the onset of various diseases.
Floors made of solid ground or cement, and easy to clean from cow dung. Ground floor covered with hay as the base enclosure warm. Entire parts of the cage and equipment once used to be disuci hamakan first with a disinfectant, such as creolin, lysol, and other bahanbahan.
Cage size made for an adult bull is 1,5x2 2,5x2 m or m, while for adult female cows are 1,8x2 m and for the calf is 1,5x1 m tail, with a high-top + 2-2, 5 m from the ground.
Temperatures in the enclosure around 25-40 degrees C (average 33 degrees C) and humidity of 75%. Location maintenance can be performed in the lowland (100-500 m) to the highlands (> 500 m).
Cages for raising cattle must be clean and dry. Making the enclosure must consider some basic requirements that include construction, location, size and equipment enclosures.
Construction and layout cage
Construction cowshed like wooden houses. Bud-shaped roof of the cage and one / both sides sloping. Cage floor is made of solid, higher than the surrounding ground and slightly tilted towards the gutter outside the cage. The point is that water that looks, including cow urine is flowing out of the cage floor remains dry.
The slope of the floor Cages
Floor of the cage, should not be slippery to keep cattle terpelesat. flooring materials can be of concrete, lumber, or compacted soil with dry straw coated so that urine is absorbed. The floor sloped 2-5%, laantai slope should not be too oblique. If the cage is too sloping floor causes cows slipping and injury, in addition to the load of cow body weight will be concentrated on the rear legs that cause the nails and the back leg bent.
Cage construction material is timber / boards derived from wood that is strong. Cowshed should not be closed, but rather open to allow air circulation inside smoothly.
Included in the series is the cattle feed supply clean drinking water. Drinking water provided ad libitum, means must be provided and should not be run at any time. Cages should be separate from the house with a minimum distance of 10 meters and the sun should be able to penetrate the courtyard of the cage. Making the cowshed can be done in groups in the middle of the field / fields.
Cage size
Before making the cage should be considered first number of cows to be maintained. Cage size for an adult bull is a 1.5 x 2 m. As for the adult female cow is 1.8 x 2 m and for a calf is 1,5x1 m.
Supplies Cages
Included in the equipment enclosure is where food and drink, which should be made out of the cage, but still below the roof. Feed made slightly higher so that the feed given not in treading / mixed dirt. Points of drinking water should be made permanent form of cement tanks and slightly higher than the surface of the floor. Thus feces and urine are not mixed therein.
Other items that need to be provided are brooms, brushes, shovels, sickles, and a place to bathe cows. All equipment is to clean the cage in order to avoid interference cow disease and can be used for bathing cows.
Cage Capacity Ideal
For the maintenance of the colony system or cows left free inside the cage a certain size then to determine the ideal number in a single enclosure is 4 square meters for one cow. For example cage measuring 10 m x 10 m means the extent of 100 square meters, the capacity is ideal or ideal number of cows in the cage a maximum of 25 individuals (25 x 4 m = 100 m). In general if the population is too much will make the competition for forage between cattle unhealthy, but this capacity can be changed if the cow is entered or maintained small size eg, weight 200-250 kg, the cage can be filled to 30 individuals does nothing ,
So at a glance guide to the construction of enclosures for cattle ranchers candidates, may be useful.
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