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DePonsel.Com> Games> Names Character Pokemon in Pokemon Game GO!
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Names in the Game Pokemon Pokemon Character GO!
Pokemon Character Names
Pokemon Character Names
Game Pokemon Go is indeed a game that is booming and soared in the year 2016. The latest game from Niatic very horrendous world, especially for the game lovers or gamers in the world. This game will require foresight to seek pokemon in the real world and must be played with android smartphone with specifications are quite capable.
Well in the animated series on television a lot of figures pokemon memilikki unique shape with very good ability. A pokemon memilikki sensidiri-alone capabilities in terms of offensive or defensive. The types of pokemon are also pretty much like pokemon type of water, soil, ice, ghosts, electricity, plants and fire.
The names of the characters in the Pokemon Game Pokemon GoDalam game Pokemon Go ye also have to find out what capabilities are dimilikki pokemon you've got. To compete in this game you have to increase the level of the first pokemonmu. The main character in this game is the electric type attacks which Pikachu with 100,000 volts. Well, for you who are curious about the types of Pokemon in this game, here mimin provide complete type of pokemon:

18 Types of Pokemom
Type Pokemon Fire / Fire
Pokemon Type Water / Water
Pokemon Type Grass / Grass
Pokemon Type Electric / Electric
Pokemon Normal mode / Ordinary
Type Pokemon Ice / Ice
Pokemon Type Poison / Poison
Pokemon Fighting Type / Warrior
Pokemon Type Ground / Land
Pokemon Type Rock / Stone
Type Pokemon Psychic / Magic
Type Pokemon Bug / Insect
Flying type Pokemon / Fly
Type Pokemon Dragon / Dragon
Pokemon Fairy Type / Peri
Ghost Type Pokemon / Ghost
Type Pokemon Dark / Dark
Pokemon Type Steel / Bat
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So much so that you find out more about the type of pokemon, pokemon abilities and weaknesses of a pokemon. We will give some figures of the pokemon that has never aired on television. Here are the names of the characters in the game Pokemon Go:
1. Bulbasaur
Bulbasaur Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 001 Grass Poison 25
Bulbasaur is one pokemon type of plants that have the ability to withstand the onslaught of water, but weak against fire attacks and fly. Pokemon is very pleased to be brought sunlight, as it can photosynthesize dipanasnya sun. When this pokemon will evolve to become stronger thanks to the plant over the back will be a corpse flower, and will be a powerful weapon of this pokemon.
2. Charmander
Charmander Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 004 Fire - 25
Charmander is a Fire type pokemon that are typical in the tail with a blazing fire. This is a place to stay pokemon hot regions that eksteream, can we demonstrated in Gunug volcano. Charmander's capabilities are spitting fire from his mouth, but it also has a weakness pokemon that if he flames of excessive energy will be reduced and weak.
3. Squirtle
Squirtle Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 007 Water - 25
Squirtle pokemon shaped into one small turtle with water type. Habitat pokemon is certainly there in the water and also water dimilikki capabilities. The ability of the Pokemon are the bursts of heavy water produced from the mouth of this pokemon.
4. Caterpie
Pokemon Caterpie
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
Bug # 010 - 12
Pokemon that memilikki shape like a small green caterpillar with its dibodi spots, this pokemon named Caterpie. The ability of these pokemon head can project an awful smell to ward off predators.
5. Weedle
Weedle Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
Poison Bug # 013 13
Pokemon is memilikki forms very interesting animals, especially Weedle Pokemon is shaped like a worm with a sharp horn on his head. Horns on his head is used to withstand the enemy. In addition memilikki poisonous tail sebgai ultimate attack.
6. Pidgey
Pokemon Pidgey
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 016 Normal Flying 12
Pidgey is pokemon kind of air that can be flying here with two wings. This Pokemon can detect where it goes memilikkii enemies and attack with a sharp-nailed legs.
7. Rattata
Rattata Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 019 Normal - 25
If seen this Pokemon is shaped mice are extremely virulent. This Pokemon named Rattata that memilikki ability to tackle very strong, so the enemy will easily overcome. In addition, this pokemon memilikki hantamaan ability of the body is very strong.
8. Spearow
Spearow Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 021 Normal Flying 25
Spearow, pokemon type of fly that memilikki fly very fast pace. This Pokemon can move faster than other birds. Pokemon is strong enough for a pokemon type of fly.
9. Pikachu
Pokemon Pikachu
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 025 Electric - 50
The most powerful Pokemon and mascot of all the pokemon is Pikachu. This Pokemon is a monster kind of electric memilikki electric shock is very strong and can mecapai 100,000 volts, just imagine what if the enemy's shock. Pikachu's strength lies in its tail end which can output high-voltage electricity.
10. Sandshrew
Sandshrew Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 027 Ground - 50
Sandshrew is one species of rat skinned pokemon shaped stone, which has a very strong ability to survive thanks to his hard body. For keeping his body hard, Sandshrew very well suited to live in the desert, the heat and humidity memilikki bit.
11. Vulpix
Vulpix Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 037 Fire - 50
At first glance, looks like a little weasel Vulpix. Pokemon this one memilikki ability very strong tail, the tail can paralyze the enemy with a single blow the tail. In addition, the running speed is very fast, so if this pokemon fight would be easier to dodge.
12. Venonat
Venonat Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
Poison Bug # 048 50
Venonat one pokemon that resembles a small hairy monster. For my friend who does not know the capabilities of this pokemon? This pokemon memilikki ability on the antenna that is above his head, which can detect the presence of the enemy, attack dimilikki Venonat are toxic liquid from his mouth.
13. Zubat
Zubat Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 041 Poison Flying 50
Zubat is one type of Pokemon that resembles kekelawar colored purple. This Pokemon memilikki ability of sound waves to detect the existence of enemies within a considerable distance. In addition memilikki very keen eye to see at night, so the weakness terletah from sunlight or other.
14. Parasect
Bug Type Pokemon Parasect
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
Bug # 046 Grass -
Parasect Pokemon Pokemon is one of the insects (bugs) that memilikki body like a crab. Besides being a Bug-type Pokemon, Pokemon is also memilikki Grass or vegetation types. CP of pokemon is only for 1747.
15. Goolduck
Water type Pokemon Golduck
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 055 Water - -
Pokemon this one is the evolution of Psyduck shaped like a duck named Goolduck. This is the type of pokemonm water and combat power memilikki 2386. The strength of this pokemon can be spouted from the mouth.
16. Arcanine
Arcanine Pokemon Fire Type
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 059 Fire - -
Arcanine the type of fire, which memilikk such as tigers. In the game Pokemon Go, this monster is quite difficult to find and CP dimilikki of 2983. This fire-type Pokémon very weak against Rock Pokemon type, Water, Ground.
17. Poliwrath
Water type Pokemon Poliwrath
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 062 Water Fighting -
18. Golem
Pokemon Golem Ground Type
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 076 Rock Ground -
Golem is some of the strongest pokemon on the type of soil and rock, the article dimilikki body is hard as a rock. Pokemion with these two types have CP by 2303 and HP by 138.
19. Rapidash
Rapidash Pokemon Fire Type
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 078 Fire - -
20. Marowak
Pokemon Marowak Ground Type
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 105 Ground - -
21. Snorlax
Pokemon Snorlax Normal mode
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 143 Normal - -
Furthermore, here there pokemon who like to fall asleep that Snorlax. Although it might seem lazy, but this pokemon ability should not be underestimated. Because of the strength of this pokemon is difficult to predict. CP dimilikki of 3112.
22. Articuno
Pokemon Articuno
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 144 Ice Flying -
23. Zapdos
Pokemon Zapdos electric mode
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 145 Electric Flying -
24. Moltres
Moltres Pokemon Fire Type
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 146 Fire Flying -
Moltres is one of the few strongest pokemon fire type, and can be called pokemon fire type most powerful. Aside from Pokemon Fire. Moltres is also a Flying type Pokemon.
Go pokemon trainer would have been familiar from pokemon this one. Well Combat power dimilikki this pokemon for 3114.
25. Dratini
Evolution Dratini Strongest
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 147 Dragon - 25
26. Dragonir
First Evolution Dragonair
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 148 Dragon - 25
27. Dragonite
Second Evolution Dragonite
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 149 Dragon Flying -
 Dragonite is the strongest pokemon dragon type that can also fly. This Pokemon is no stranger to the eyes of you, the article is fairly easy to obtain pokemon in the game. Well CP max of this pokemon for 3500, can be called greatest in the CP Pokemon game GO.
28. Mewtwo
Pokemon Mewtwo
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 150 Psychic - -
29. Mew
Mew Pokemon
Pokedex # Type 1 Type 2 Candy to Evolve
# 151 Psychic - -
Here's one type of magic that Mew pokemon, pokemon highly sought after by trainers pokemon GO. Psychic Type Pokemon can be defeated by pokemon type Bug, Ghost, Dark, but strong against pokemon type Fighting, Poison.
Mew is memilikki CP or Combat power by 3299, which became one of the pokemon with combat power is very large.
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Kind of a pokemon is still a lot, but we only can provide a bit of the types of pokemon in the animated tv this.But we will soon provide the names of the characters or figures this pokemon. So just wait updateannya ya later 🙂
Well demikinalah which we can pass on the name - the name of the game character pokemon Pokemon game GO. Hopefully this information we provide can be useful for all of you, especially for the game Pokemon Go Indonesia.
If there is one word or information is unclear beg forgiveness. Thank you friend already been 🙂
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