In 2014 Prince William and collaborate Angry Birds hold a charity event for the sake of anteaters. Meanwhile, two years earlier, Sir David Attenborough, a broadcaster and naturalist from England has chosen the anteater as one of the 10 animals that will he carried in his personal ark.
What does the pangolin? And why this animal became a favorite of Prince William and Sir David Attenborough?
Pangolin or in English is called Pangolin is a mammal of the order Pholidota. One of the families that still exists is Manidae, has three genera namely Manis 4 species live in Asia, Phataginus the two species live in Africa, and Smutsia the two species also live in Africa. This animal has a length ranging from 30 cm to 100 cm. Pangolin name itself is taken from the Malay language that is pengguling which means something rolling.
Indonesia also has the usual Pangolin Manis javanica has a Latin name or abroad called the Sunda Pangolin or Malayan Pangolin. Pangolin usual spread in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Nusa Tenggara. Lodging in South Kalimantan, these animals in the 1960s to the 1980s had a mystical value even regarded as the devil incarnate or ghosts. As a result, these animals no one dared eat let alone catch.
Slightly different, the interior of Borneo where it was hailed as a good omen that cause less hunted and captured to be destroyed and then burned, so that the demon was in his body destroyed and not disturb people. But sometimes, Pangolin who put in the bulk of a sudden disappeared. This is why in the era where pangolin fairly well maintained.
Later Pangolin believed to have health benefits, and it turned out after the taste, the meat and the tongue has taste quite tasty as well as ducks. It became one of the reasons Pangolin experienced a massive manhunt. Pangolin that life can be sold up to the price of 400 thousand rupiah per-tail, while for the already skinned sold at a price of 200 thousand rupiah. Consumers not only the people of Indonesia itself, but most subscriptions are China and Japan.
Pangolin meat is believed to cure diseases of the heart and lungs even as a tonic. While the skin can be used as cosmetic ingredients. Her skin scales can sell up to 350 thousand rupiah per kilo. The news shocked even mention that this animal scales can be used as a material for methamphetamine psychotropic types.
Ariful Amri, environmental experts and health Riau University, stated that the scales Pangolin (Manis javanica) containing the active substance Tramadol HCl which is a particle binder psychotropic substances contained in the type of methamphetamine. Tramadol HCl is also an active substance contained in one of the analgesic drug used to treat severe pain either acute or chronic and postoperative pain.
It is estimated that approximately 100 thousand Pangolin arrested every year from all corners of Africa and Asia, with most being sent to China and Vietnam, where it sold meat and scales. As a result, all eight species Pangolin now into the red list of endangered Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Here are 10 facts about the pangolin quoted by The Telegraph.
1. There are eight species
As mentioned in the beginning, pangolin from one family that still exists is Manidae, there are eight surviving species in the world with the same conditions for more than 80 years of their evolution. 4 species in Asia that Chinese species, Malayan (or Sunda), India, and Palawan. While the rest are in Africa, pangolin species of trees, giant ground pangolin, pangolin Cape, and long-tailed pangolin.
2. Her tongue could exceed the length of its body
When fully stretched, the length of his tongue can reach 40 cm starting from the innermost part of the tongue is in the chest cavity. Pangolin has no teeth and can not chew. To collect insects -around 70 million per year- Pangolin use their sticky tongues, then grind it with rocks and bone keratin that is in the stomach.
3. Is the only mammals in the world whose body is covered with scales
Pangolin scales weighs about 20% by weight of his body and composed and made of keratin, the same material in which human fingernails, rhinoceros horns, and talons are made. The scales are very hard to protect the animals from predators anteater. In traditional Chinese medicine, pangolin scales are dried and baked as a method of eliminating paralysis, stimulates breast milk, and drain pus. Pangolin scales on the black market can be sold for more than 3 thousand US dollars per kilogram, and the scales have even been used to make coats.
4. Some climb trees, dig another hole
With size and large curved claws, pangolin can do activities like tree climbing would also dig a hole. Pangolin arboreal as well as long-tailed species that exist in Africa, living in trees, while others dug a hole big yangsangat until sometimes people feel not stand his behavior.
5. Even the big cat did not know what was done to them
Besides humans, pangolin main predators are lions, tigers, and leopards. With rolled up into a ball, sometimes making the predator confused because the scales are hard and difficult to bite.
6. Anyone nobody knows how long they live
It is estimated that the life expectancy of a unique animal was about 20 years in the wild since Pangolin oldest recorded living for 19 years in captivity. These animals are rare in zoos because while in captivity they easily feel stress, depression, and malnutrition which can make premature death. Therefore, it was difficult to know how long an anteater can live.
7. They emit toxic acid such as skunks
When it feels threatened, Pangolin defend themselves by rolling into a ball and if need be hit with a scaly tail that can easily lacerate the skin of the predator. In addition, they can also emit toxic acid odor from glands near the anus, as singung, although pangolin can not spray.
8. Sight them bad
Of the eight species of pangolin, only one species is long-tailed pangolin native of western and central Africa, which is active during the day. The remaining animals are nocturnal or active at night, and have small eyes. This means they have poor eyesight and rely on the power of smell and hearing to find food.
9. Difficult dating
Pangolin sexes can be distinguished from the weight. Pangolin male weighing more than 50 percent compared to women, while the Indian species can reach 90 percent. There is no definite date season, and pangolin more aloof. Pangolin males attract females by way of marking territory with urine and wait Pangolin females find them.
10. Close relatives they may not anteaters
Pangolin possibility of prehistoric animals, but later changed his view because the scientists saw a pangolin taxonomy. The first thought mammalian animal is a member of the family Xenarthra, which includes anteaters, sloths, and armadillos. New evidence shows that it turns anteater has a close relationship with carnivorous animals including hyenas, bears, and wolves.
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