Indonesia has a vast territory stretching from east to west. It is said that in some areas of the country that is very rich in these resources stored treasure. Yes, the property has a value of super fantastic. Even if cashed could make this country so rich and do not have a lot of debt abroad.
These treasures said to have originated from legacy kingdoms in the archipelago. There also are the result of looting the Netherlands, Japan, and also Portuguese. Until now the treasure is still kept very neat and wait for treasure hunters to find. Here are five treasure may still be in Indonesia.
1. Inheritance Bung Karno
The most phenomenal treasure is still believed until now is the legacy of Bung Karno. It is said that a treasure was buried in soils throughout the island of Java. The treasure was collected by Bung Karno occur after the revolutionary war.
Treasure is meant bullion with no printing images Bung Karno in it. Until now the estate has not been found. Some say this treasure was saved abroad. But not a few who believe exist in Indonesia. This treasure is hard to find because they are protected by a mystical power. So as good as any to look for would be hard to see. Supposedly protective provision is done so treasures used by people who are not responsible.
2. Inheritance Tomoyuki Yamashita
Tomoyuki Yamashta is a Japanese general who was executed in the Philippines. He has a lot of committed crimes worthy to be executed. Before Yamashita was executed, he was assigned to carry bullion looted during World War II.
Unfortunately, when Japan began to lose Yamashita hid in caves on the island of Java. This treasure still has not been found until now. The possibility still hidden in the cave has been discovered. If the treasure is found then the value would be fantastic, much if dirupiahkan could reach trillions of rupiah.
3. Treasure kingdom of Majapahit
Majapahit kingdom arguably the greatest ever in Indonesia. This kingdom has a lot of wealth until the empire collapsed fortune to be hunted by many people. Majapahit kingdom wealth in the form of gold coins and perbotan which were also made of gold.
Wealth that supposedly great affection is buried in several places in the ruins of the kingdom of Majapahit. The greatest treasures of Majapahit is still a mystery. Some are found are now stored in several museums.
4. Ruins Flor Do Mar
Ships Flor Do Mar is a Portuguese sailing ships from around the Strait of Malacca with a great deal of booty. There are an estimated 60 tons of gold along with diamonds and gems. Unfortunately, the ship actually sank in the Malacca Strait and until now no longer found the carcass of the ship.
Treasures that exist at this time is estimated to be worth up to 60 billion dollars. A number of very fantastic to make a lot of obsessed treasure hunter to find. Unfortunately searches performed always ended in disappointment. As happened in Robert Max. This man has spent 200 billion rupiah for this search mission that failed.
5. Treasure of Sriwijaya
In 2009, a chunk of the golden statue with a value of 4 billion was found in the River Musi. As a result, many people began to join in search for treasure said to have originated from the kingdom of Srivijaya were very famous in the past. It is said that this river has lots of treasures that had been dumped or wasted in the past.
Even Palembang government began working with private companies for exploration. Unfortunately during searches carried out no treasure was found. Whereas if it is found treasures, relics that would be very useful as a set area. Most can not know what kind of objects or treasures of the past.
Here are five treasure that may remain buried in the ground and Indonesia. Of the five treasure above, which one do you think is real and will be found at a later date?
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
How to Make Chicken Coop Kampung Umbaran System
Trend beternak ayam kampung di tahun 2015 ini tampaknya akan semakin pesat dengan banyaknya restoran yang menyajikan aneka masakan dengan bahan daging ayam kampung. Berimbas banyaknya para peternak pemula yang ingin mencoba peruntungan beternak ayam kampung. Sebelum mulai beternak terlebih dahulu Anda perlu menyiapkan kandang. Kali ini saya akan bagikan cara membuat kandang ayam kampung sistem umbaran yang merupakan sistem pemeliharaan yang ideal untuk ayam kampung.
Memulai usaha beternak ayam kampung dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah Anda. Tentunya pemeliharaan ayam kampung pun juga tergolong mudah. Hanya perlu memberikan makan pada pagi dan sore hari sedangkan air minum diberikan secara adlibitum (tanpa batas). Selain itu tetap menjaga kebersihan kandang agar ayam kampung tidak terserang penyakit.
Berikut adalah beberapa gambar atau foto penampakan pekarangan belakang rumah yang dimanfaatkan untuk beternak ayam kampung.
gambar kandang ayam kampung sistem umbaran
gambar kandang ayam kampung sistem umbaran 1
kandang ayam kampung sistem umbaran di lahan sempit
Cara Membuat Kandang Ayam Kampung Sistem Umbaran
Dalam beternak ayam kampung idealnya harus disediakan lahan yang dikhususkan untuk ayam fase finisher hingga panen bisa bergerak leluasa dan mengais-ngais tahan agar kaki ayam kuat. Adapun peralatan kandang umbaran yang diperluakan adalah :
Membuat Pagar Keliling
Anda harus membuat pagar keliling yang cukup tinggi sekitar 2 meter agar ayam tidak bisa keluar dan mencegah maling. Pagarnya bisa dari Seng bekas jika ada, dari batako, atau dari bambu yang lebih murah. Jika bahannya dari bambu pada bagian bawahnya terlebih dahulu disemen agar bambunya lebih awet.
Tempat Pakan dan Minum
Tempat pakan dan minum dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan dari bambu seperti yang sudah saya postingan pada artikel terdahulu di Awas Tempat Pakan Ayam Kampung Tidak Bersih Bisa Cacingan
Membuat Tempat Bertengger
Sifat alamiah ayam kampung adalah seringnya bertengger di atas ketinggian terutama pada saat malam hari untuk itu diperlukan area kandang dengan tempat bertengger untuk ayam dapat tidur secara teratur. dan melindungi ayam dari pemangsa. Tempat bertengger ini dapat dibuat dari bambu disesuai dengan kondisi kandang nantinya.
Kandang Bertelur
Anda perlu membuat kandang untuk bertelur. bentuknya dibuat kotak dengan ukuran P X L X T = 35 X 35 X 35 dan terletak diatas ketinggian kurang lebih 50 cm diatas permukaan tanah.
Kandang Brooder
Anda perlu membuat kandang brooder untuk anak ayam kampung yang baru menetas dan diberikan lampu sebagai pemanas. Usahakan kandang brooder tertutup rapat sehingga tidak ada angin berhembus masuk ke kandang. Hal ini bisa diantisipasi dengan menutup celah kandang dengan pelastik atau terpal saat malam hari dan saat hujan.
Semoga artikel kali ini dapat memberikan Anda sedikit pencerahan bagaimana cara membuat kandang ayam kampung menggunakan sistem umbaran.
Memulai usaha beternak ayam kampung dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah Anda. Tentunya pemeliharaan ayam kampung pun juga tergolong mudah. Hanya perlu memberikan makan pada pagi dan sore hari sedangkan air minum diberikan secara adlibitum (tanpa batas). Selain itu tetap menjaga kebersihan kandang agar ayam kampung tidak terserang penyakit.
Berikut adalah beberapa gambar atau foto penampakan pekarangan belakang rumah yang dimanfaatkan untuk beternak ayam kampung.
gambar kandang ayam kampung sistem umbaran
gambar kandang ayam kampung sistem umbaran 1
kandang ayam kampung sistem umbaran di lahan sempit
Cara Membuat Kandang Ayam Kampung Sistem Umbaran
Dalam beternak ayam kampung idealnya harus disediakan lahan yang dikhususkan untuk ayam fase finisher hingga panen bisa bergerak leluasa dan mengais-ngais tahan agar kaki ayam kuat. Adapun peralatan kandang umbaran yang diperluakan adalah :
Membuat Pagar Keliling
Anda harus membuat pagar keliling yang cukup tinggi sekitar 2 meter agar ayam tidak bisa keluar dan mencegah maling. Pagarnya bisa dari Seng bekas jika ada, dari batako, atau dari bambu yang lebih murah. Jika bahannya dari bambu pada bagian bawahnya terlebih dahulu disemen agar bambunya lebih awet.
Tempat Pakan dan Minum
Tempat pakan dan minum dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan dari bambu seperti yang sudah saya postingan pada artikel terdahulu di Awas Tempat Pakan Ayam Kampung Tidak Bersih Bisa Cacingan
Membuat Tempat Bertengger
Sifat alamiah ayam kampung adalah seringnya bertengger di atas ketinggian terutama pada saat malam hari untuk itu diperlukan area kandang dengan tempat bertengger untuk ayam dapat tidur secara teratur. dan melindungi ayam dari pemangsa. Tempat bertengger ini dapat dibuat dari bambu disesuai dengan kondisi kandang nantinya.
Kandang Bertelur
Anda perlu membuat kandang untuk bertelur. bentuknya dibuat kotak dengan ukuran P X L X T = 35 X 35 X 35 dan terletak diatas ketinggian kurang lebih 50 cm diatas permukaan tanah.
Kandang Brooder
Anda perlu membuat kandang brooder untuk anak ayam kampung yang baru menetas dan diberikan lampu sebagai pemanas. Usahakan kandang brooder tertutup rapat sehingga tidak ada angin berhembus masuk ke kandang. Hal ini bisa diantisipasi dengan menutup celah kandang dengan pelastik atau terpal saat malam hari dan saat hujan.
Semoga artikel kali ini dapat memberikan Anda sedikit pencerahan bagaimana cara membuat kandang ayam kampung menggunakan sistem umbaran.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Although in general the ghost refers to a substance that interferes earthly life, in many cultures, the ghost is not defined as a substance that is both good and evil. Mentions devil, demons, genderuwo, and so forth, are more commonly used to refer to an evil ghost. While a good ghost, which have the ability to help people, known by various different names, such as the designation for the Datuk, Te Cu Kong (ruler of the land, in Confucianism), and others. But in most religions, ask the ghosts to help human beings is prohibited.
Ghost is believed to exist by almost all human beings who believe in God, although only a small proportion who admitted ever seen a ghost directly. Hauntings be the pros and cons in many developed countries. Some scientists think the ghost is just an illusion or delusion those who believe, while most other scientists tried to prove scientifically the existence of substances contained in ghosts. Ghosts are generally referring to the life after death. Ghosts also associated with spirits or ghosts who leave the agency because of the death. The definition of a ghost in general, different for each religion, culture, and customs. Ghosts are often depicted human size and shape (although some call it resemble an animal), usually described as "shimmering", "ghosting", "like fog," or shadow. A ghost does not have flesh like a man, a mere shadow of the body (astral body). Sometimes not appear when viewed but in other phenomena such as the movement of the object, the light of life and death with his own, sounds, etc., that has no logical explanation. In the West they believe ghosts are sometimes regard them as a spirit after death that is not calm, and with that roamed the earth. The lack incapacity find rest described as the last unfinished work, like prey to seek justice or revenge after death.
Ghost is believed to exist by almost all human beings who believe in God, although only a small proportion who admitted ever seen a ghost directly. Hauntings be the pros and cons in many developed countries. Some scientists think the ghost is just an illusion or delusion those who believe, while most other scientists tried to prove scientifically the existence of substances contained in ghosts. Ghosts are generally referring to the life after death. Ghosts also associated with spirits or ghosts who leave the agency because of the death. The definition of a ghost in general, different for each religion, culture, and customs. Ghosts are often depicted human size and shape (although some call it resemble an animal), usually described as "shimmering", "ghosting", "like fog," or shadow. A ghost does not have flesh like a man, a mere shadow of the body (astral body). Sometimes not appear when viewed but in other phenomena such as the movement of the object, the light of life and death with his own, sounds, etc., that has no logical explanation. In the West they believe ghosts are sometimes regard them as a spirit after death that is not calm, and with that roamed the earth. The lack incapacity find rest described as the last unfinished work, like prey to seek justice or revenge after death.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Complete instructions GTA 5
Here is your play Gta Game 5 to finish, until get money to 500 million dollars (for each character), instructions to buy Property, etc. below this:
Notes & Tips The only main mission, not mission Strangers and Freaks. To get the money 500 million, the mission of Lester Franklin for "Assassination" except: "Hotel Assassination", do not be played. Before graduating try opening Crew: Patrick Mcreary and Taliana Martinez. Property purchased fitting finish only, to save. if you're a collector armor or weapons, graduated already complete ga no problem. later also there are three main characters dapet tips 40 Million Dollar dimisi Last robbery: The Big Score. Cheat & keys for PS3 only.
Mission Walkthrough Gta V (Complete)
Note: click on the title to see the mission Gta V Walkthrough
Franklin and Lamar
Repossession Note: The mission is to use "Glitch" when you want to buy the Property, (recommended) after graduation. Tutorial: Property board approach to buy, when confirm 2x (sign already purchased), press "Start" and then to "Load Game" select this mission (not necessarily completed) create Failed mission and exit (do Replay Mission). later after back ingame, you're already buying Property for free without going out of money.
Complication Characters Michael Open
Father / Son
The Long Stretch
Early Marriage Counseling triggers Michael robbed again
Daddy's Little Girl
Friend Request All clothing store open after this mission
Additional Mission: The Good Husband
Casing the Jewel Store
Carbine Rifle (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Loud N Dumb)
Bugstars Equipment (Option: Loud N Dumb)
BZ Gas Grenades (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Smart) Recommended
Mr Trevor Philips Outdoor Characters
Nervous Ron
Trevor Philips Industries
Crystal Maze
friends Reunited
Fame or Shame
Dead Man Walking
Did Somebody Say Yoga?
Three Company
By the Book The mission is no torture scenes!
Hood Safari
Scouting the Port Port
The Merryweather Heist (Option Freighter)
The Heist Merryweather (Option Offshore)
Additional Activities: Flight School
Blitz Play
Getaway Vehicle Best Location for Getaway Vehicle is in the area "La Mesa" near Lester's office under the bridge.
tow Truck
Trash Truck
Masks can buy all the masks for collectors
boiler Suits
Blitz Play 2
I Fought the Law
Eye in the Sky
Mr Richards
Caida Libre
Deep Inside
Minor Turbulence
Score Paleto Setup
military Hardware
The Paleto Score
Monkey Business
Hang Ten
Surveying the Score
Bury the Hatchet
Pack Man
fresh Meat
The Ballad of Rocco
Cleaning Out the Bureau
Reuniting the Family
The Bureau Raid (Option: The Fire Crew) Michael disguised form the artisan mop in FIB building, also smuggle bomb.
Architect's Plans
Getaway Vehicle 2
Fire Truck
The Bureau Raid - (Option The Roof Entry) Recommended (differences with the Fire Truck, started wearing a parachute entrance building were FIB
The Wrap Up
Legal Trouble
Lamar Down
Meltdown Tips: enable Cheat Invincibility (Invulnerability) before returning home: Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Additional Mission: Save the game Parenting 101 Parenting should not be removed if you want to try other options of choice last robbery mission of The Big Score.
The Big Score 1 (Option: Subtile) recommended and is guaranteed to be 40 million dollars perkarakter. how to select the Crew: Taliana Martinez, first (5% reduction) cost of other new crew.
Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill Location Mobil gaunlet 1
Gauntlet - Rockford Hills Car Location gaunlet 2
Gauntlet - Mission Row Car Location gaunlet 3
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Subtile) Mission to rob the gold that will be transported by car gaunlet.
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Obvious) Recommended
Finale - Introduction You must choose whom you must kill? Michael? - Trevor or Deathwish (Recommended) when the two characters do not have to die.
Ending A: Something Sensible Kill Trevor
Ending B: The Time Come Kill Michael
Ending C: The Third Way Michael and Trevor safe, but you have to kill the three of Wei Cheng, Steve Haines, Stretch and Devin Weston.
How to Get Money 500 Million More:
First complete the mission Finale - Introduction, where you can choose to kill Michael, Trevor or Deathwish? money will appear when completed 40 Million Dollar dikantong. never spend it, because after this will play the Stock Market.
To get the money 40 Million, try dimisi The Big Score, choosing Crew: Taliana Martinez (small pieces 5%) and the crew also other small pieces, if necessary, Patrick Mcreary. how to get your Taliana crew had to help advance this area, in Braddock Pass, trace the path was found Taliana being injured. bring him to return home not far from Trevor's house and open a new crew. the possibility of opening Taliana must wear Trevor characters.
To open crew Patrick Mcreary lies in Dollar Pills (near the first safehouse Frankin). Dollar Pills approach when the map shows a blue dot there, but you have to take the car for 3 people (do sedan). he will ask for help to escape from there and the stars will be lit, police chasing you. after can melolokan themselves and toward the destination, the crew will open.
The Big Score and Deathwish finished. now play Assassination mission, the mission is indeed to Franklin alone but others may "Nebeng Kaya" term. You must complete the mission of The Hotel Assassination, but others must be after graduation. Because of what? specifies: 40 Million can be 70 Million and 70 Million can be 200 Millions.
Investkan all the money 40 Million Your (Stock Market: Debonaire), before playing the mission of The Multi Target Assassination. replace two other characters, as well invest. finish this mission and returned home to sleep. Save on, wake up, sleep again (this is important) because the sleep time will be lost 6 hours. but you also watched "my portfolio" to "Debonaire Shares" up to 80%, and then sell the shares of all of you.
This after Invest more into (Stock Market: Redwood Cigarette) spend money, also two other characters. fixed by sleeping until Redwood rose to 300%, you can already 200an million. if you can played a GTA 5 with a (Stock Market: Bawsaq) better yet, might be 1.5 or 1.8 billion US dollars. Bawsaq system using an internet connection. LCN without internet.
Play missions to three The Vice Assassination, invest all your money into (Stock Market: Fruit, Bawsaq), up 50% and sales rose. as well as the mission of (4): The Bus Assassination (Stock Market: Vavid, Bawsaq) selling at 100%. The Construction Assassination last mission, invest into GoldCoast when 80% of all sales.
Invest your money before the mission but the mission to four, The Assassination Bus (after the mission). still sleeping to speed up the time.
Conclusion And Buying Property:
Without Bawsaq you can bawsaq 500 million and with more than 1 billion. so ga vain Gta 5. you play with that much money you buy Property deh deh. The following is a (recommendation) property to be purchased by each character:
Business listings provided
Owned Price Income Weekly Owner Sites
LSPD Auto impound Davis, Los Santos $ 150,000 $ 500 per car Franklin
Downtown Cab Co. East Vinewood, Los Santos $ 200,000 $ 2,000 Franklin
McKenzie Field Hangar Grapeseed, Blaine County $ 150,000 $ 7,000 per air missions, $ 5,000 per mission ground Trevor
Paleto Cove Dock Sonar Collections, Blaine County $ 250,000 $ 23,000 per nuclear waste collected Any
Los Santos Customs Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County $ 349,000 $ 1,600 Franklin
Cinema Doppler Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 10,000,000 $ 132,200 Michael
Theater Ten Cent Textile City, Los Santos $ 20,000,000 $ 264,000 Michael
Tivoli Cinema Morningwood, Los Santos $ 30,000,000 $ 142,300 Michael
GWC Los Santos Golf Club and Golf Society, Los Santos $ 150,000,000 $ 264,500 Any
Car scrapyard El Burro Heights, Los Santos $ 275,000 $ 150 per car Any
Smoke on the water La Puerta, Los Santos $ 204,000 $ 9,300 Franklin
Tequi-la-la West Vinewood, Los Santos $ 2,000,000 $ 16,500 Any
Pitcher Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 750,000 $ 7,100 Any
The Hen House Paleto Bay, Blaine County $ 80,000 $ 920 A
North Hookies Chumash, Los Santos $ 600,000 $ 4,700 Franklin or Michael
Unicorn Vanilla Strawberry, Los Santos Complete, Hang Ten $ 5,000 Trevor
storage vehicles
Owned Places Price Own Notes
Puerto Del Sol Marina La Puerta, Los Santos $ 75,000 All Enables boat to be stored.
Vespucci Helipad Los Santos $ 419,850 Franklin and Michael Allows the helicopter to be saved.
Los Santos International Hangar Los Santos International Airport, Los Santos $ 1,378,600 Franklin and Michael Allow air to be stored. Vehicles of Warstock Cache & Carry will also be stored here. Also give permission to log on the airport tarmac.
Sandy Shores Sandy Shores Airfield, Blaine County Nervous Ron Trevor Enables Complete airplanes and helicopters to be stored.
Grove Street Garage Davis, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social Club Franklin Allows storage of up to four cars.
Pillbox Hill Garage Pillbox Hill, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or have a Social Club account Trevor Allows storage of up to four cars.
East Garage Vinewood Vinewood, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social ClubHere is your play Gta Game 5 to finish, until get money to 500 million dollars (for each character), instructions to buy Property, etc. below this:
Notes & Tips The only main mission, not mission Strangers and Freaks. To get the money 500 million, the mission of Lester Franklin for "Assassination" except: "Hotel Assassination", do not be played. Before graduating try opening Crew: Patrick Mcreary and Taliana Martinez. Property purchased fitting finish only, to save. if you're a collector armor or weapons, graduated already complete ga no problem. later also there are three main characters dapet tips 40 Million Dollar dimisi Last robbery: The Big Score. Cheat & keys for PS3 only.
Mission Walkthrough Gta V (Complete)
Note: click on the title to see the mission Gta V Walkthrough
Franklin and Lamar
Repossession Note: The mission is to use "Glitch" when you want to buy the Property, (recommended) after graduation. Tutorial: Property board approach to buy, when confirm 2x (sign already purchased), press "Start" and then to "Load Game" select this mission (not necessarily completed) create Failed mission and exit (do Replay Mission). later after back ingame, you're already buying Property for free without going out of money.
Complication Characters Michael Open
Father / Son
The Long Stretch
Early Marriage Counseling triggers Michael robbed again
Daddy's Little Girl
Friend Request All clothing store open after this mission
Additional Mission: The Good Husband
Casing the Jewel Store
Carbine Rifle (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Loud N Dumb)
Bugstars Equipment (Option: Loud N Dumb)
BZ Gas Grenades (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Smart) Recommended
Mr Trevor Philips Outdoor Characters
Nervous Ron
Trevor Philips Industries
Crystal Maze
friends Reunited
Fame or Shame
Dead Man Walking
Did Somebody Say Yoga?
Three Company
By the Book The mission is no torture scenes!
Hood Safari
Scouting the Port Port
The Merryweather Heist (Option Freighter)
The Heist Merryweather (Option Offshore)
Additional Activities: Flight School
Blitz Play
Getaway Vehicle Best Location for Getaway Vehicle is in the area "La Mesa" near Lester's office under the bridge.
tow Truck
Trash Truck
Masks can buy all the masks for collectors
boiler Suits
Blitz Play 2
I Fought the Law
Eye in the Sky
Mr Richards
Caida Libre
Deep Inside
Minor Turbulence
Score Paleto Setup
military Hardware
The Paleto Score
Monkey Business
Hang Ten
Surveying the Score
Bury the Hatchet
Pack Man
fresh Meat
The Ballad of Rocco
Cleaning Out the Bureau
Reuniting the Family
The Bureau Raid (Option: The Fire Crew) Michael disguised form the artisan mop in FIB building, also smuggle bomb.
Architect's Plans
Getaway Vehicle 2
Fire Truck
The Bureau Raid - (Option The Roof Entry) Recommended (differences with the Fire Truck, started wearing a parachute entrance building were FIB
The Wrap Up
Legal Trouble
Lamar Down
Meltdown Tips: enable Cheat Invincibility (Invulnerability) before returning home: Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Additional Mission: Save the game Parenting 101 Parenting should not be removed if you want to try other options of choice last robbery mission of The Big Score.
The Big Score 1 (Option: Subtile) recommended and is guaranteed to be 40 million dollars perkarakter. how to select the Crew: Taliana Martinez, first (5% reduction) cost of other new crew.
Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill Location Mobil gaunlet 1
Gauntlet - Rockford Hills Car Location gaunlet 2
Gauntlet - Mission Row Car Location gaunlet 3
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Subtile) Mission to rob the gold that will be transported by car gaunlet.
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Obvious) Recommended
Finale - Introduction You must choose whom you must kill? Michael? - Trevor or Deathwish (Recommended) when the two characters do not have to die.
Ending A: Something Sensible Kill Trevor
Ending B: The Time Come Kill Michael
Ending C: The Third Way Michael and Trevor safe, but you have to kill the three of Wei Cheng, Steve Haines, Stretch and Devin Weston.
How to Get Money 500 Million More:
First complete the mission Finale - Introduction, where you can choose to kill Michael, Trevor or Deathwish? money will appear when completed 40 Million Dollar dikantong. never spend it, because after this will play the Stock Market.
To get the money 40 Million, try dimisi The Big Score, choosing Crew: Taliana Martinez (small pieces 5%) and the crew also other small pieces, if necessary, Patrick Mcreary. how to get your Taliana crew had to help advance this area, in Braddock Pass, trace the path was found Taliana being injured. bring him to return home not far from Trevor's house and open a new crew. the possibility of opening Taliana must wear Trevor characters.
To open crew Patrick Mcreary lies in Dollar Pills (near the first safehouse Frankin). Dollar Pills approach when the map shows a blue dot there, but you have to take the car for 3 people (do sedan). he will ask for help to escape from there and the stars will be lit, police chasing you. after can melolokan themselves and toward the destination, the crew will open.
The Big Score and Deathwish finished. now play Assassination mission, the mission is indeed to Franklin alone but others may "Nebeng Kaya" term. You must complete the mission of The Hotel Assassination, but others must be after graduation. Because of what? specifies: 40 Million can be 70 Million and 70 Million can be 200 Millions.
Investkan all the money 40 Million Your (Stock Market: Debonaire), before playing the mission of The Multi Target Assassination. replace two other characters, as well invest. finish this mission and returned home to sleep. Save on, wake up, sleep again (this is important) because the sleep time will be lost 6 hours. but you also watched "my portfolio" to "Debonaire Shares" up to 80%, and then sell the shares of all of you.
This after Invest more into (Stock Market: Redwood Cigarette) spend money, also two other characters. fixed by sleeping until Redwood rose to 300%, you can already 200an million. if you can played a GTA 5 with a (Stock Market: Bawsaq) better yet, might be 1.5 or 1.8 billion US dollars. Bawsaq system using an internet connection. LCN without internet.
Play missions to three The Vice Assassination, invest all your money into (Stock Market: Fruit, Bawsaq), up 50% and sales rose. as well as the mission of (4): The Bus Assassination (Stock Market: Vavid, Bawsaq) selling at 100%. The Construction Assassination last mission, invest into GoldCoast when 80% of all sales.
Invest your money before the mission but the mission to four, The Assassination Bus (after the mission). still sleeping to speed up the time.
Conclusion And Buying Property:
Without Bawsaq you can bawsaq 500 million and with more than 1 billion. so ga vain Gta 5. you play with that much money you buy Property deh deh. The following is a (recommendation) property to be purchased by each character:
Business listings provided
Owned Price Income Weekly Owner Sites
LSPD Auto impound Davis, Los Santos $ 150,000 $ 500 per car Franklin
Downtown Cab Co. East Vinewood, Los Santos $ 200,000 $ 2,000 Franklin
McKenzie Field Hangar Grapeseed, Blaine County $ 150,000 $ 7,000 per air missions, $ 5,000 per mission ground Trevor
Paleto Cove Dock Sonar Collections, Blaine County $ 250,000 $ 23,000 per nuclear waste collected Any
Los Santos Customs Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County $ 349,000 $ 1,600 Franklin
Cinema Doppler Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 10,000,000 $ 132,200 Michael
Theater Ten Cent Textile City, Los Santos $ 20,000,000 $ 264,000 Michael
Tivoli Cinema Morningwood, Los Santos $ 30,000,000 $ 142,300 Michael
GWC Los Santos Golf Club and Golf Society, Los Santos $ 150,000,000 $ 264,500 Any
Car scrapyard El Burro Heights, Los Santos $ 275,000 $ 150 per car Any
Smoke on the water La Puerta, Los Santos $ 204,000 $ 9,300 Franklin
Tequi-la-la West Vinewood, Los Santos $ 2,000,000 $ 16,500 Any
Pitcher Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 750,000 $ 7,100 Any
The Hen House Paleto Bay, Blaine County $ 80,000 $ 920 A
North Hookies Chumash, Los Santos $ 600,000 $ 4,700 Franklin or Michael
Unicorn Vanilla Strawberry, Los Santos Complete, Hang Ten $ 5,000 Trevor
storage vehicles
Owned Places Price Own Notes
Puerto Del Sol Marina La Puerta, Los Santos $ 75,000 All Enables boat to be stored.
Vespucci Helipad Los Santos $ 419,850 Franklin and Michael Allows the helicopter to be saved.
Los Santos International Hangar Los Santos International Airport, Los Santos $ 1,378,600 Franklin and Michael Allow air to be stored. Vehicles of Warstock Cache & Carry will also be stored here. Also give permission to log on the airport tarmac.
Sandy Shores Sandy Shores Airfield, Blaine County Nervous Ron Trevor Enables Complete airplanes and helicopters to be stored.
Grove Street Garage Davis, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social Club Franklin Allows storage of up to four cars.
Pillbox Hill Garage Pillbox Hill, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or have a Social Club account Trevor Allows storage of up to four cars.
East Garage Vinewood Vinewood, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social Club
Notes & Tips The only main mission, not mission Strangers and Freaks. To get the money 500 million, the mission of Lester Franklin for "Assassination" except: "Hotel Assassination", do not be played. Before graduating try opening Crew: Patrick Mcreary and Taliana Martinez. Property purchased fitting finish only, to save. if you're a collector armor or weapons, graduated already complete ga no problem. later also there are three main characters dapet tips 40 Million Dollar dimisi Last robbery: The Big Score. Cheat & keys for PS3 only.
Mission Walkthrough Gta V (Complete)
Note: click on the title to see the mission Gta V Walkthrough
Franklin and Lamar
Repossession Note: The mission is to use "Glitch" when you want to buy the Property, (recommended) after graduation. Tutorial: Property board approach to buy, when confirm 2x (sign already purchased), press "Start" and then to "Load Game" select this mission (not necessarily completed) create Failed mission and exit (do Replay Mission). later after back ingame, you're already buying Property for free without going out of money.
Complication Characters Michael Open
Father / Son
The Long Stretch
Early Marriage Counseling triggers Michael robbed again
Daddy's Little Girl
Friend Request All clothing store open after this mission
Additional Mission: The Good Husband
Casing the Jewel Store
Carbine Rifle (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Loud N Dumb)
Bugstars Equipment (Option: Loud N Dumb)
BZ Gas Grenades (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Smart) Recommended
Mr Trevor Philips Outdoor Characters
Nervous Ron
Trevor Philips Industries
Crystal Maze
friends Reunited
Fame or Shame
Dead Man Walking
Did Somebody Say Yoga?
Three Company
By the Book The mission is no torture scenes!
Hood Safari
Scouting the Port Port
The Merryweather Heist (Option Freighter)
The Heist Merryweather (Option Offshore)
Additional Activities: Flight School
Blitz Play
Getaway Vehicle Best Location for Getaway Vehicle is in the area "La Mesa" near Lester's office under the bridge.
tow Truck
Trash Truck
Masks can buy all the masks for collectors
boiler Suits
Blitz Play 2
I Fought the Law
Eye in the Sky
Mr Richards
Caida Libre
Deep Inside
Minor Turbulence
Score Paleto Setup
military Hardware
The Paleto Score
Monkey Business
Hang Ten
Surveying the Score
Bury the Hatchet
Pack Man
fresh Meat
The Ballad of Rocco
Cleaning Out the Bureau
Reuniting the Family
The Bureau Raid (Option: The Fire Crew) Michael disguised form the artisan mop in FIB building, also smuggle bomb.
Architect's Plans
Getaway Vehicle 2
Fire Truck
The Bureau Raid - (Option The Roof Entry) Recommended (differences with the Fire Truck, started wearing a parachute entrance building were FIB
The Wrap Up
Legal Trouble
Lamar Down
Meltdown Tips: enable Cheat Invincibility (Invulnerability) before returning home: Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Additional Mission: Save the game Parenting 101 Parenting should not be removed if you want to try other options of choice last robbery mission of The Big Score.
The Big Score 1 (Option: Subtile) recommended and is guaranteed to be 40 million dollars perkarakter. how to select the Crew: Taliana Martinez, first (5% reduction) cost of other new crew.
Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill Location Mobil gaunlet 1
Gauntlet - Rockford Hills Car Location gaunlet 2
Gauntlet - Mission Row Car Location gaunlet 3
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Subtile) Mission to rob the gold that will be transported by car gaunlet.
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Obvious) Recommended
Finale - Introduction You must choose whom you must kill? Michael? - Trevor or Deathwish (Recommended) when the two characters do not have to die.
Ending A: Something Sensible Kill Trevor
Ending B: The Time Come Kill Michael
Ending C: The Third Way Michael and Trevor safe, but you have to kill the three of Wei Cheng, Steve Haines, Stretch and Devin Weston.
How to Get Money 500 Million More:
First complete the mission Finale - Introduction, where you can choose to kill Michael, Trevor or Deathwish? money will appear when completed 40 Million Dollar dikantong. never spend it, because after this will play the Stock Market.
To get the money 40 Million, try dimisi The Big Score, choosing Crew: Taliana Martinez (small pieces 5%) and the crew also other small pieces, if necessary, Patrick Mcreary. how to get your Taliana crew had to help advance this area, in Braddock Pass, trace the path was found Taliana being injured. bring him to return home not far from Trevor's house and open a new crew. the possibility of opening Taliana must wear Trevor characters.
To open crew Patrick Mcreary lies in Dollar Pills (near the first safehouse Frankin). Dollar Pills approach when the map shows a blue dot there, but you have to take the car for 3 people (do sedan). he will ask for help to escape from there and the stars will be lit, police chasing you. after can melolokan themselves and toward the destination, the crew will open.
The Big Score and Deathwish finished. now play Assassination mission, the mission is indeed to Franklin alone but others may "Nebeng Kaya" term. You must complete the mission of The Hotel Assassination, but others must be after graduation. Because of what? specifies: 40 Million can be 70 Million and 70 Million can be 200 Millions.
Investkan all the money 40 Million Your (Stock Market: Debonaire), before playing the mission of The Multi Target Assassination. replace two other characters, as well invest. finish this mission and returned home to sleep. Save on, wake up, sleep again (this is important) because the sleep time will be lost 6 hours. but you also watched "my portfolio" to "Debonaire Shares" up to 80%, and then sell the shares of all of you.
This after Invest more into (Stock Market: Redwood Cigarette) spend money, also two other characters. fixed by sleeping until Redwood rose to 300%, you can already 200an million. if you can played a GTA 5 with a (Stock Market: Bawsaq) better yet, might be 1.5 or 1.8 billion US dollars. Bawsaq system using an internet connection. LCN without internet.
Play missions to three The Vice Assassination, invest all your money into (Stock Market: Fruit, Bawsaq), up 50% and sales rose. as well as the mission of (4): The Bus Assassination (Stock Market: Vavid, Bawsaq) selling at 100%. The Construction Assassination last mission, invest into GoldCoast when 80% of all sales.
Invest your money before the mission but the mission to four, The Assassination Bus (after the mission). still sleeping to speed up the time.
Conclusion And Buying Property:
Without Bawsaq you can bawsaq 500 million and with more than 1 billion. so ga vain Gta 5. you play with that much money you buy Property deh deh. The following is a (recommendation) property to be purchased by each character:
Business listings provided
Owned Price Income Weekly Owner Sites
LSPD Auto impound Davis, Los Santos $ 150,000 $ 500 per car Franklin
Downtown Cab Co. East Vinewood, Los Santos $ 200,000 $ 2,000 Franklin
McKenzie Field Hangar Grapeseed, Blaine County $ 150,000 $ 7,000 per air missions, $ 5,000 per mission ground Trevor
Paleto Cove Dock Sonar Collections, Blaine County $ 250,000 $ 23,000 per nuclear waste collected Any
Los Santos Customs Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County $ 349,000 $ 1,600 Franklin
Cinema Doppler Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 10,000,000 $ 132,200 Michael
Theater Ten Cent Textile City, Los Santos $ 20,000,000 $ 264,000 Michael
Tivoli Cinema Morningwood, Los Santos $ 30,000,000 $ 142,300 Michael
GWC Los Santos Golf Club and Golf Society, Los Santos $ 150,000,000 $ 264,500 Any
Car scrapyard El Burro Heights, Los Santos $ 275,000 $ 150 per car Any
Smoke on the water La Puerta, Los Santos $ 204,000 $ 9,300 Franklin
Tequi-la-la West Vinewood, Los Santos $ 2,000,000 $ 16,500 Any
Pitcher Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 750,000 $ 7,100 Any
The Hen House Paleto Bay, Blaine County $ 80,000 $ 920 A
North Hookies Chumash, Los Santos $ 600,000 $ 4,700 Franklin or Michael
Unicorn Vanilla Strawberry, Los Santos Complete, Hang Ten $ 5,000 Trevor
storage vehicles
Owned Places Price Own Notes
Puerto Del Sol Marina La Puerta, Los Santos $ 75,000 All Enables boat to be stored.
Vespucci Helipad Los Santos $ 419,850 Franklin and Michael Allows the helicopter to be saved.
Los Santos International Hangar Los Santos International Airport, Los Santos $ 1,378,600 Franklin and Michael Allow air to be stored. Vehicles of Warstock Cache & Carry will also be stored here. Also give permission to log on the airport tarmac.
Sandy Shores Sandy Shores Airfield, Blaine County Nervous Ron Trevor Enables Complete airplanes and helicopters to be stored.
Grove Street Garage Davis, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social Club Franklin Allows storage of up to four cars.
Pillbox Hill Garage Pillbox Hill, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or have a Social Club account Trevor Allows storage of up to four cars.
East Garage Vinewood Vinewood, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social ClubHere is your play Gta Game 5 to finish, until get money to 500 million dollars (for each character), instructions to buy Property, etc. below this:
Notes & Tips The only main mission, not mission Strangers and Freaks. To get the money 500 million, the mission of Lester Franklin for "Assassination" except: "Hotel Assassination", do not be played. Before graduating try opening Crew: Patrick Mcreary and Taliana Martinez. Property purchased fitting finish only, to save. if you're a collector armor or weapons, graduated already complete ga no problem. later also there are three main characters dapet tips 40 Million Dollar dimisi Last robbery: The Big Score. Cheat & keys for PS3 only.
Mission Walkthrough Gta V (Complete)
Note: click on the title to see the mission Gta V Walkthrough
Franklin and Lamar
Repossession Note: The mission is to use "Glitch" when you want to buy the Property, (recommended) after graduation. Tutorial: Property board approach to buy, when confirm 2x (sign already purchased), press "Start" and then to "Load Game" select this mission (not necessarily completed) create Failed mission and exit (do Replay Mission). later after back ingame, you're already buying Property for free without going out of money.
Complication Characters Michael Open
Father / Son
The Long Stretch
Early Marriage Counseling triggers Michael robbed again
Daddy's Little Girl
Friend Request All clothing store open after this mission
Additional Mission: The Good Husband
Casing the Jewel Store
Carbine Rifle (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Loud N Dumb)
Bugstars Equipment (Option: Loud N Dumb)
BZ Gas Grenades (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Smart) Recommended
Mr Trevor Philips Outdoor Characters
Nervous Ron
Trevor Philips Industries
Crystal Maze
friends Reunited
Fame or Shame
Dead Man Walking
Did Somebody Say Yoga?
Three Company
By the Book The mission is no torture scenes!
Hood Safari
Scouting the Port Port
The Merryweather Heist (Option Freighter)
The Heist Merryweather (Option Offshore)
Additional Activities: Flight School
Blitz Play
Getaway Vehicle Best Location for Getaway Vehicle is in the area "La Mesa" near Lester's office under the bridge.
tow Truck
Trash Truck
Masks can buy all the masks for collectors
boiler Suits
Blitz Play 2
I Fought the Law
Eye in the Sky
Mr Richards
Caida Libre
Deep Inside
Minor Turbulence
Score Paleto Setup
military Hardware
The Paleto Score
Monkey Business
Hang Ten
Surveying the Score
Bury the Hatchet
Pack Man
fresh Meat
The Ballad of Rocco
Cleaning Out the Bureau
Reuniting the Family
The Bureau Raid (Option: The Fire Crew) Michael disguised form the artisan mop in FIB building, also smuggle bomb.
Architect's Plans
Getaway Vehicle 2
Fire Truck
The Bureau Raid - (Option The Roof Entry) Recommended (differences with the Fire Truck, started wearing a parachute entrance building were FIB
The Wrap Up
Legal Trouble
Lamar Down
Meltdown Tips: enable Cheat Invincibility (Invulnerability) before returning home: Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Additional Mission: Save the game Parenting 101 Parenting should not be removed if you want to try other options of choice last robbery mission of The Big Score.
The Big Score 1 (Option: Subtile) recommended and is guaranteed to be 40 million dollars perkarakter. how to select the Crew: Taliana Martinez, first (5% reduction) cost of other new crew.
Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill Location Mobil gaunlet 1
Gauntlet - Rockford Hills Car Location gaunlet 2
Gauntlet - Mission Row Car Location gaunlet 3
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Subtile) Mission to rob the gold that will be transported by car gaunlet.
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Obvious) Recommended
Finale - Introduction You must choose whom you must kill? Michael? - Trevor or Deathwish (Recommended) when the two characters do not have to die.
Ending A: Something Sensible Kill Trevor
Ending B: The Time Come Kill Michael
Ending C: The Third Way Michael and Trevor safe, but you have to kill the three of Wei Cheng, Steve Haines, Stretch and Devin Weston.
How to Get Money 500 Million More:
First complete the mission Finale - Introduction, where you can choose to kill Michael, Trevor or Deathwish? money will appear when completed 40 Million Dollar dikantong. never spend it, because after this will play the Stock Market.
To get the money 40 Million, try dimisi The Big Score, choosing Crew: Taliana Martinez (small pieces 5%) and the crew also other small pieces, if necessary, Patrick Mcreary. how to get your Taliana crew had to help advance this area, in Braddock Pass, trace the path was found Taliana being injured. bring him to return home not far from Trevor's house and open a new crew. the possibility of opening Taliana must wear Trevor characters.
To open crew Patrick Mcreary lies in Dollar Pills (near the first safehouse Frankin). Dollar Pills approach when the map shows a blue dot there, but you have to take the car for 3 people (do sedan). he will ask for help to escape from there and the stars will be lit, police chasing you. after can melolokan themselves and toward the destination, the crew will open.
The Big Score and Deathwish finished. now play Assassination mission, the mission is indeed to Franklin alone but others may "Nebeng Kaya" term. You must complete the mission of The Hotel Assassination, but others must be after graduation. Because of what? specifies: 40 Million can be 70 Million and 70 Million can be 200 Millions.
Investkan all the money 40 Million Your (Stock Market: Debonaire), before playing the mission of The Multi Target Assassination. replace two other characters, as well invest. finish this mission and returned home to sleep. Save on, wake up, sleep again (this is important) because the sleep time will be lost 6 hours. but you also watched "my portfolio" to "Debonaire Shares" up to 80%, and then sell the shares of all of you.
This after Invest more into (Stock Market: Redwood Cigarette) spend money, also two other characters. fixed by sleeping until Redwood rose to 300%, you can already 200an million. if you can played a GTA 5 with a (Stock Market: Bawsaq) better yet, might be 1.5 or 1.8 billion US dollars. Bawsaq system using an internet connection. LCN without internet.
Play missions to three The Vice Assassination, invest all your money into (Stock Market: Fruit, Bawsaq), up 50% and sales rose. as well as the mission of (4): The Bus Assassination (Stock Market: Vavid, Bawsaq) selling at 100%. The Construction Assassination last mission, invest into GoldCoast when 80% of all sales.
Invest your money before the mission but the mission to four, The Assassination Bus (after the mission). still sleeping to speed up the time.
Conclusion And Buying Property:
Without Bawsaq you can bawsaq 500 million and with more than 1 billion. so ga vain Gta 5. you play with that much money you buy Property deh deh. The following is a (recommendation) property to be purchased by each character:
Business listings provided
Owned Price Income Weekly Owner Sites
LSPD Auto impound Davis, Los Santos $ 150,000 $ 500 per car Franklin
Downtown Cab Co. East Vinewood, Los Santos $ 200,000 $ 2,000 Franklin
McKenzie Field Hangar Grapeseed, Blaine County $ 150,000 $ 7,000 per air missions, $ 5,000 per mission ground Trevor
Paleto Cove Dock Sonar Collections, Blaine County $ 250,000 $ 23,000 per nuclear waste collected Any
Los Santos Customs Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County $ 349,000 $ 1,600 Franklin
Cinema Doppler Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 10,000,000 $ 132,200 Michael
Theater Ten Cent Textile City, Los Santos $ 20,000,000 $ 264,000 Michael
Tivoli Cinema Morningwood, Los Santos $ 30,000,000 $ 142,300 Michael
GWC Los Santos Golf Club and Golf Society, Los Santos $ 150,000,000 $ 264,500 Any
Car scrapyard El Burro Heights, Los Santos $ 275,000 $ 150 per car Any
Smoke on the water La Puerta, Los Santos $ 204,000 $ 9,300 Franklin
Tequi-la-la West Vinewood, Los Santos $ 2,000,000 $ 16,500 Any
Pitcher Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 750,000 $ 7,100 Any
The Hen House Paleto Bay, Blaine County $ 80,000 $ 920 A
North Hookies Chumash, Los Santos $ 600,000 $ 4,700 Franklin or Michael
Unicorn Vanilla Strawberry, Los Santos Complete, Hang Ten $ 5,000 Trevor
storage vehicles
Owned Places Price Own Notes
Puerto Del Sol Marina La Puerta, Los Santos $ 75,000 All Enables boat to be stored.
Vespucci Helipad Los Santos $ 419,850 Franklin and Michael Allows the helicopter to be saved.
Los Santos International Hangar Los Santos International Airport, Los Santos $ 1,378,600 Franklin and Michael Allow air to be stored. Vehicles of Warstock Cache & Carry will also be stored here. Also give permission to log on the airport tarmac.
Sandy Shores Sandy Shores Airfield, Blaine County Nervous Ron Trevor Enables Complete airplanes and helicopters to be stored.
Grove Street Garage Davis, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social Club Franklin Allows storage of up to four cars.
Pillbox Hill Garage Pillbox Hill, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or have a Social Club account Trevor Allows storage of up to four cars.
East Garage Vinewood Vinewood, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social Club
Monday, September 5, 2016
Mystery Merah Delima Soekarno and Nyi Roro Kidul
Merah Delima Soekarno - For most people Kejawen, the figure of the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno was known as a leader who has the authority and morbidity is high. Many people believe that Sukarno was not just like ordinary people. He is even believed to be still alive until now and will take back the land that dititipkannya to Suharto. Merah Delima Sukarno Sukarno Authority and the magic is already evident in many ways. All the nations of the world know the Son of the Dawn as a leader who is so charismatic. Dressed in his trademark, the baton, black cap, glasses, and a ruby ring always wore, he has been a driving force for the independence of many nations in Asia and Africa Run. Not only that, the Proclaimer also very loved by his people even until today. In line with his authority, magic Soekarno also seems undisputed. He proved to have escaped many assassination attempt launched by the Netherlands and Japan. At least 23 assassination attempts directed at it, none of them managed to make a name he passed away. In one story even mentioned that once the Japanese troops have been successfully fired three hot lead in the head and make Soekarno lifeless. The soldiers were then buried corpse Soekarno amid rubber plantations and return to headquarters with full happiness. Japanese celebrate that success, but after a week, Soekarno known to have been in the Soviet Union and central political lobbying by many world leaders. Origins Kesaktian authority Soekarno Soekarno Kesaktian and indeed is still a mystery. When he was asked, he just admitted that what he has that, everything is a gift of Allah. Never had he mentioned something to do with their talisman and the like. Recognition of the Son of Dawn is certainly not necessarily trusted by everyone. Realizing so charismatic and how saktinya him, not a few people who then attributing all that with what he used to wear, including clothing trademark, the baton, black cap, glasses, and a ruby ring always wore. They believe that if the magic and Soekarno authority is derived from the objects auspicious wearing it. Nowadays, many people are trying and vying to have objects that are subject to Soekarno in the past to be ajimat or to just be a collection. However, these objects by Sukarno family will never be sold. Everything is neatly stored in the residence eldest daughter of Sukarno, Megawati. Everything was there, except mustika ruby ring. Merah Delima Owned Nyi Roro Kidul Mystery ruby Soekarno Mustika loss is no longer a new story to be shocked. Ruby ring Soekarno acknowledged, had been missing since 1963, just in time for his trip to Jogjakarta. Events Soekarno loss ruby ring when it is believed to occur due to the fact that their owners Kanjeng Queen Nyi Roro Kidul pick supernatural. As it is known that people kejawen believe if Nyi Roro Kidul and Soekarno was the second of four brothers. Nyi Roro Kidul lend the ring to Soekarno to Soekarno could be a king in the kingdom of the Indonesian people. During the ring was not in the hand of the Queen of the South Coast, sea kidul magical kingdom known to many battered by unseen surrounding kingdoms. Therefore, very forced Nyi Roro Kidul take the mustika of fingers Soekarno though he knew that if his brother task in leading the human kingdom has not ended. Since making ruby ring, Sukarno gradually lost its miracle. He eventually easily dropped by his political opponents, Soeharto trickery very structured and systematic. Thus the exposure of the ruby mustika Soekarno and relation with supernatural powers and authority of the Son of the Dawn. Hopefully the story could be an improvement for us all. Amen.
Copied from The Origin Story Blog.
Copied from The Origin Story Blog.
How to Raise Fast Weight In 1 Week In Easy And Fast
Each person must want to have the ideal height and proportionate in order to impress attractive appearance and fit so it does not look Pende or bongsor. The ideal height is always desirable, especially men who want to have the ideal height or taller than the other women and men. But if your height is not too high or could be categorized incoming short stature, you do not have to feel inferior and insecure because of the following will be explained about how to elevate the body fast in 1 week easily and quickly. How that will be explained below you have to do every day so that your height can be increased. Here's the explanation.
1. How to elevate the body quickly in the first week of the first is to do regular exercise at least 3 times a week. Proper exercise is done so that the height increase is jumping rope or jump using the high jump, swimming, cycling, hanging on a pole or ventilation in the home and office, and ran off with the remote or trot or jog, and gymnastics.
2. You should consume foods and beverages that contain calcium and potassium, which can accelerate the growth of your height, as you have to eat fish, meat, and drank fresh milk every day.
3. Avoid drinks high enhancer supplements because they can cause kidney damage if taken continuously and did not even add height.
4. Position the correct sitting straight and not skewed (strapping), position the appropriate body height of a table.
5. Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day, for drinking water bone in your body be fulfilled with mineral content.
The above explanation regarding how to elevate the body fast in 1 week, suda described above. May be useful bagia all of you who want to increase his height and has a bada ideal height and proportionate.
1. How to elevate the body quickly in the first week of the first is to do regular exercise at least 3 times a week. Proper exercise is done so that the height increase is jumping rope or jump using the high jump, swimming, cycling, hanging on a pole or ventilation in the home and office, and ran off with the remote or trot or jog, and gymnastics.
2. You should consume foods and beverages that contain calcium and potassium, which can accelerate the growth of your height, as you have to eat fish, meat, and drank fresh milk every day.
3. Avoid drinks high enhancer supplements because they can cause kidney damage if taken continuously and did not even add height.
4. Position the correct sitting straight and not skewed (strapping), position the appropriate body height of a table.
5. Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day, for drinking water bone in your body be fulfilled with mineral content.
The above explanation regarding how to elevate the body fast in 1 week, suda described above. May be useful bagia all of you who want to increase his height and has a bada ideal height and proportionate.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
HomeResepResep How To Make The Most Delicious Fried Rice and Practical
Fried rice is one of my favorite foods in addition to noodles. Surely many of you are so infatuated with this rice oalahan. In addition to good taste, how to make it also very easy. Fried rice usually served at breakfast in the morning or in the afternoon accompanied by a cup of coffee or tea.
If you are housewives who want to present practical food for breakfast. Menu then this one is perfect for you to test. The material is easily available, how to make it also very practical. Only with a plate of white rice, a friend was able to make special fried rice was delicious and scrumptious.
How to make fried rice
special fried rice recipe is delicious
Special fried rice was delicious
Cantikinfo for friends who want to try how to make fried rice that is easy and delicious specials, please continue to follow the following article which will provide a variety of special fried rice recipe. Instead curious, please refer to the following for more.
See also Recipes How to Make Sushi
Simple Fried Rice Recipe
Material :
- 500 grams of white rice
- 1 egg
- 3-4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 6 tablespoons oil for sauteing
- 1-2 tablespoons ketchup
- 3 cloves garlic
- 6 spring onions
- 3-5 pieces of red pepper or to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
- Salt to taste
How to make :
Puree all ingredients fried rice first, then add the oil to the skillet, then enter 1 egg and scrambled until cooked. Remove and let cool.
Saute the ingredients that has been mashed up fragrant.
Enter the white rice, and stir until blended.
After wrapping, put tomato sauce, soy sauce and egg, then mix well.
Lift and fried rice ready to serve.
Featured Recipe Kimchi ala Indonesia
Special Fried Rice Recipe
Material :
- 2 plate of white rice
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 3 spring onions
- 2 pieces of cayenne pepper cut oblique
- Tomato Sauce to taste
- Leeks 1 stick
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
- Pepper to taste or to taste
- Salt
- Chicken, shrimp, meatballs according to taste
How to make :
Pour oil into a skillet, heat over medium heat. Enter sesame oil, garlic, onion and chili that has been mashed until cooked and fragrant.
Enter the mixed material such as chicken, shrimp, and so on, and stir until blended and cooked.
Add the eggs, then scrambled to mature.
Enter the white rice, mix with all of the above ingredients, then add the tomato sauce, salt and pepper until evenly distributed.
Lift and fried rice ready to serve.
To beautify the fried rice can be added with tomato, pickles and red pepper slices to taste.
Various recommendations Korean Popular Recipes
Salted Fish Fried Rice Recipe
Material :
- 1 tablespoon margarine
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 4 spring onions, finely chopped
- 75 grams of peas
-100 Grams of anchovies, Sadu 1/2 cm slices, fried dried
- 300 grams of white rice
- 1 egg, cook scrambled
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
- 1 tablespoon fried white bwang
- 1 tablespoon finely sliced green onion
How to make :
Heat margarine and cooking oil first, then saute garlic and onion until fragrant and tender.
Add peas and salted fish, and stir until blended.
Add rice, scrambled eggs, and other spices. Stir until smooth and dry.
Remove and sprinkle the topping ingredients.
Serve warm with a pickled cucumber.
That variety of fried rice recipe options as well as how to make fried rice the most practical and convenient. Hopefully this article can be useful for friends Cantikinfo. Thanks and congratulations to try it at home.
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HomeResepResep How To Make The Most Delicious Fried Rice and Practical
Fried rice is one of my favorite foods in addition to noodles. Surely many of you are so infatuated with this rice oalahan. In addition to good taste, how to make it also very easy. Fried rice usually served at breakfast in the morning or in the afternoon accompanied by a cup of coffee or tea.
If you are housewives who want to present practical food for breakfast. Menu then this one is perfect for you to test. The material is easily available, how to make it also very practical. Only with a plate of white rice, a friend was able to make special fried rice was delicious and scrumptious.
How to make fried rice
special fried rice recipe is delicious
Special fried rice was delicious
Cantikinfo for friends who want to try how to make fried rice that is easy and delicious specials, please continue to follow the following article which will provide a variety of special fried rice recipe. Instead curious, please refer to the following for more.
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Simple Fried Rice Recipe
Material :
- 500 grams of white rice
- 1 egg
- 3-4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 6 tablespoons oil for sauteing
- 1-2 tablespoons ketchup
- 3 cloves garlic
- 6 spring onions
- 3-5 pieces of red pepper or to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
- Salt to taste
How to make :
Puree all ingredients fried rice first, then add the oil to the skillet, then enter 1 egg and scrambled until cooked. Remove and let cool.
Saute the ingredients that has been mashed up fragrant.
Enter the white rice, and stir until blended.
After wrapping, put tomato sauce, soy sauce and egg, then mix well.
Lift and fried rice ready to serve.
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Special Fried Rice Recipe
Material :
- 2 plate of white rice
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 3 spring onions
- 2 pieces of cayenne pepper cut oblique
- Tomato Sauce to taste
- Leeks 1 stick
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
- Pepper to taste or to taste
- Salt
- Chicken, shrimp, meatballs according to taste
How to make :
Pour oil into a skillet, heat over medium heat. Enter sesame oil, garlic, onion and chili that has been mashed until cooked and fragrant.
Enter the mixed material such as chicken, shrimp, and so on, and stir until blended and cooked.
Add the eggs, then scrambled to mature.
Enter the white rice, mix with all of the above ingredients, then add the tomato sauce, salt and pepper until evenly distributed.
Lift and fried rice ready to serve.
To beautify the fried rice can be added with tomato, pickles and red pepper slices to taste.
Various recommendations Korean Popular Recipes
Salted Fish Fried Rice Recipe
Material :
- 1 tablespoon margarine
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 4 spring onions, finely chopped
- 75 grams of peas
-100 Grams of anchovies, Sadu 1/2 cm slices, fried dried
- 300 grams of white rice
- 1 egg, cook scrambled
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
- 1 tablespoon fried white bwang
- 1 tablespoon finely sliced green onion
How to make :
Heat margarine and cooking oil first, then saute garlic and onion until fragrant and tender.
Add peas and salted fish, and stir until blended.
Add rice, scrambled eggs, and other spices. Stir until smooth and dry.
Remove and sprinkle the topping ingredients.
Serve warm with a pickled cucumber.
That variety of fried rice recipe options as well as how to make fried rice the most practical and convenient. Hopefully this article can be useful for friends Cantikinfo. Thanks and congratulations to try it at home.
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6 Ways Seeing Eye Ordinary Ghosts [Personal Experience]
Talking about ghosts and apparitions is endless. Many of this story and it's about the myths surrounding this issue from friends, relatives, and acquaintances who might have ever heard. For those of you who do not have the experience of meeting a ghost, certainly in the chat you will not be able to talk a lot. Eits .. but do not worry. If you have and want to see a ghost, we have written the following 6 ways to see a ghost who had several people tried and proven to work without opening the inner eye. How Seeing Through Ghosts 1. See Walking One way to see the ghost of the most ancient and may have heard as a child is to look at the circumstances behind you through the two legs. On the night of Friday POND, go to deserted places or famous haunted places. Wait until after midnight and look towards the back of your legs through the gap, so that the position of the head turned upside down. That said, by doing it this way you will be able to see where the occupant of the jinn who are doing various activities. 2. Charcoal rubbed into eyes see ghosts second way is to use the help of yellow bamboo charcoal. Apply a charcoal or rubbing it into your eyelid and eye bags to jet when the night began to dim. Come to haunted places like cemeteries or large tree so that various spirits ranging from tuyul, kuntilanak, pocong, until genderuwo be visible in sight. 3. Ritual 'Come here,' With Ritual Candle way to see a ghost which can be done with the help of a white candle. Turn off the lights in the room and your house, then light a candle as the only source of light. Walk around the house itself was accompanied by a burning candle was dimmed while saying "Come here, come here!" Is repeated 7 times. Once done, go back to your house dark and hide in the most narrow part of the room. It is said that will not be long after you will feel the breath in your ear to the left and if left unchecked, the figure of astral beings that will grab you. 4. Shower In Dark Conditions The bathroom is the most preferred place by supernatural beings countryman jin, kuntilanak, and so forth. If you want to see a ghost, you can take advantage of one of the rooms in your house is. Bathe the middle of the night without any lights. It is said that by doing this, before you finished the bath you will find a long-nailed hands touching and moving overhead. 5. Ritual to the Other If you live in the apartment building has a total height of 10 floors, you can use the lift as a means or way of seeing ghosts and the supernatural. Try riding the elevator, go to the 4th floor, then the second floor, the 6th floor, the second floor, and the last floor of 10. Do this for yourself when the central elevator takes you to the 10th floor, press the button for the elevator will open the 5th floor and is said to be there was a woman who came in and accompany you in the elevator. The woman was none other than kuntilanak ghosts that inhabit the elevator shaft in the building. He was disturbed that you play the residence. 6. Reflecting Hour 1 hours Kuntilanak often sit in the rocking chair, then to call and be able to see, at night or Tuesday Friday POND POND, provide one rocking chairs and place it against the wall. Put a single large mirror right in front of the seat. Play and sing songs to invite kuntilanak Lingsir Wengi. Not long after, you will find a chair was rocking and the current figure glass look kuntilanak so clearly seen by your eyes. Well, that's sixth successful way of seeing ghosts we summarized from several sources. Interested to try? Yes your own risk !!
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