Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Complete instructions GTA 5

Here is your play Gta Game 5 to finish, until get money to 500 million dollars (for each character), instructions to buy Property, etc. below this:

Notes & Tips The only main mission, not mission Strangers and Freaks. To get the money 500 million, the mission of Lester Franklin for "Assassination" except: "Hotel Assassination", do not be played. Before graduating try opening Crew: Patrick Mcreary and Taliana Martinez. Property purchased fitting finish only, to save. if you're a collector armor or weapons, graduated already complete ga no problem. later also there are three main characters dapet tips 40 Million Dollar dimisi Last robbery: The Big Score. Cheat & keys for PS3 only.

Mission Walkthrough Gta V (Complete)

Note: click on the title to see the mission Gta V Walkthrough

 Franklin and Lamar
 Repossession Note: The mission is to use "Glitch" when you want to buy the Property, (recommended) after graduation. Tutorial: Property board approach to buy, when confirm 2x (sign already purchased), press "Start" and then to "Load Game" select this mission (not necessarily completed) create Failed mission and exit (do Replay Mission). later after back ingame, you're already buying Property for free without going out of money.
Complication Characters Michael Open
Father / Son
The Long Stretch
Early Marriage Counseling triggers Michael robbed again
Daddy's Little Girl
Friend Request All clothing store open after this mission
Additional Mission: The Good Husband
Casing the Jewel Store
Carbine Rifle (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Loud N Dumb)
Bugstars Equipment (Option: Loud N Dumb)
BZ Gas Grenades (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Smart) Recommended
Mr Trevor Philips Outdoor Characters
Nervous Ron
Trevor Philips Industries
Crystal Maze
friends Reunited
Fame or Shame
Dead Man Walking
Did Somebody Say Yoga?
Three Company
By the Book The mission is no torture scenes!
Hood Safari
Scouting the Port Port
The Merryweather Heist (Option Freighter)
The Heist Merryweather (Option Offshore)
Additional Activities: Flight School
Blitz Play
Getaway Vehicle Best Location for Getaway Vehicle is in the area "La Mesa" near Lester's office under the bridge.
tow Truck
Trash Truck
Masks can buy all the masks for collectors
boiler Suits
Blitz Play 2
I Fought the Law
Eye in the Sky
Mr Richards
Caida Libre
Deep Inside
Minor Turbulence
Score Paleto Setup
military Hardware
The Paleto Score
Monkey Business
Hang Ten
Surveying the Score
Bury the Hatchet
Pack Man
fresh Meat
The Ballad of Rocco
Cleaning Out the Bureau
Reuniting the Family
The Bureau Raid (Option: The Fire Crew) Michael disguised form the artisan mop in FIB building, also smuggle bomb.
Architect's Plans
Getaway Vehicle 2
Fire Truck
The Bureau Raid - (Option The Roof Entry) Recommended (differences with the Fire Truck, started wearing a parachute entrance building were FIB
The Wrap Up
Legal Trouble
Lamar Down
Meltdown Tips: enable Cheat Invincibility (Invulnerability) before returning home: Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Additional Mission: Save the game Parenting 101 Parenting should not be removed if you want to try other options of choice last robbery mission of The Big Score.
The Big Score 1 (Option: Subtile) recommended and is guaranteed to be 40 million dollars perkarakter. how to select the Crew: Taliana Martinez, first (5% reduction) cost of other new crew.
Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill Location Mobil gaunlet 1
Gauntlet - Rockford Hills Car Location gaunlet 2
Gauntlet - Mission Row Car Location gaunlet 3
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Subtile) Mission to rob the gold that will be transported by car gaunlet.
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Obvious) Recommended
Finale - Introduction You must choose whom you must kill? Michael? - Trevor or Deathwish (Recommended) when the two characters do not have to die.
Ending A: Something Sensible Kill Trevor
Ending B: The Time Come Kill Michael
Ending C: The Third Way Michael and Trevor safe, but you have to kill the three of Wei Cheng, Steve Haines, Stretch and Devin Weston.
How to Get Money 500 Million More:

First complete the mission Finale - Introduction, where you can choose to kill Michael, Trevor or Deathwish? money will appear when completed 40 Million Dollar dikantong. never spend it, because after this will play the Stock Market.

To get the money 40 Million, try dimisi The Big Score, choosing Crew: Taliana Martinez (small pieces 5%) and the crew also other small pieces, if necessary, Patrick Mcreary. how to get your Taliana crew had to help advance this area, in Braddock Pass, trace the path was found Taliana being injured. bring him to return home not far from Trevor's house and open a new crew. the possibility of opening Taliana must wear Trevor characters.

To open crew Patrick Mcreary lies in Dollar Pills (near the first safehouse Frankin). Dollar Pills approach when the map shows a blue dot there, but you have to take the car for 3 people (do sedan). he will ask for help to escape from there and the stars will be lit, police chasing you. after can melolokan themselves and toward the destination, the crew will open.

The Big Score and Deathwish finished. now play Assassination mission, the mission is indeed to Franklin alone but others may "Nebeng Kaya" term. You must complete the mission of The Hotel Assassination, but others must be after graduation. Because of what? specifies: 40 Million can be 70 Million and 70 Million can be 200 Millions.

Investkan all the money 40 Million Your (Stock Market: Debonaire), before playing the mission of The Multi Target Assassination. replace two other characters, as well invest. finish this mission and returned home to sleep. Save on, wake up, sleep again (this is important) because the sleep time will be lost 6 hours. but you also watched "my portfolio" to "Debonaire Shares" up to 80%, and then sell the shares of all of you.

This after Invest more into (Stock Market: Redwood Cigarette) spend money, also two other characters. fixed by sleeping until Redwood rose to 300%, you can already 200an million. if you can played a GTA 5 with a (Stock Market: Bawsaq) better yet, might be 1.5 or 1.8 billion US dollars. Bawsaq system using an internet connection. LCN without internet.

Play missions to three The Vice Assassination, invest all your money into (Stock Market: Fruit, Bawsaq), up 50% and sales rose. as well as the mission of (4): The Bus Assassination (Stock Market: Vavid, Bawsaq) selling at 100%. The Construction Assassination last mission, invest into GoldCoast when 80% of all sales.


Invest your money before the mission but the mission to four, The Assassination Bus (after the mission). still sleeping to speed up the time.

Conclusion And Buying Property:

Without Bawsaq you can bawsaq 500 million and with more than 1 billion. so ga vain Gta 5. you play with that much money you buy Property deh deh. The following is a (recommendation) property to be purchased by each character:

Business listings provided

Owned Price Income Weekly Owner Sites
LSPD Auto impound Davis, Los Santos $ 150,000 $ 500 per car Franklin
Downtown Cab Co. East Vinewood, Los Santos $ 200,000 $ 2,000 Franklin
McKenzie Field Hangar Grapeseed, Blaine County $ 150,000 $ 7,000 per air missions, $ 5,000 per mission ground Trevor
Paleto Cove Dock Sonar Collections, Blaine County $ 250,000 $ 23,000 per nuclear waste collected Any
Los Santos Customs Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County $ 349,000 $ 1,600 Franklin
Cinema Doppler Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 10,000,000 $ 132,200 Michael
Theater Ten Cent Textile City, Los Santos $ 20,000,000 $ 264,000 Michael
Tivoli Cinema Morningwood, Los Santos $ 30,000,000 $ 142,300 Michael
GWC Los Santos Golf Club and Golf Society, Los Santos $ 150,000,000 $ 264,500 Any
Car scrapyard El Burro Heights, Los Santos $ 275,000 $ 150 per car Any
Smoke on the water La Puerta, Los Santos $ 204,000 $ 9,300 Franklin
Tequi-la-la West Vinewood, Los Santos $ 2,000,000 $ 16,500 Any
Pitcher Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 750,000 $ 7,100 Any
The Hen House Paleto Bay, Blaine County $ 80,000 $ 920 A
North Hookies Chumash, Los Santos $ 600,000 $ 4,700 Franklin or Michael
Unicorn Vanilla Strawberry, Los Santos Complete, Hang Ten $ 5,000 Trevor
storage vehicles

Owned Places Price Own Notes
Puerto Del Sol Marina La Puerta, Los Santos $ 75,000 All Enables boat to be stored.
Vespucci Helipad Los Santos $ 419,850 Franklin and Michael Allows the helicopter to be saved.
Los Santos International Hangar Los Santos International Airport, Los Santos $ 1,378,600 Franklin and Michael Allow air to be stored. Vehicles of Warstock Cache & Carry will also be stored here. Also give permission to log on the airport tarmac.
Sandy Shores Sandy Shores Airfield, Blaine County Nervous Ron Trevor Enables Complete airplanes and helicopters to be stored.
Grove Street Garage Davis, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social Club Franklin Allows storage of up to four cars.
Pillbox Hill Garage Pillbox Hill, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or have a Social Club account Trevor Allows storage of up to four cars.
East Garage Vinewood Vinewood, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social ClubHere is your play Gta Game 5 to finish, until get money to 500 million dollars (for each character), instructions to buy Property, etc. below this:

Notes & Tips The only main mission, not mission Strangers and Freaks. To get the money 500 million, the mission of Lester Franklin for "Assassination" except: "Hotel Assassination", do not be played. Before graduating try opening Crew: Patrick Mcreary and Taliana Martinez. Property purchased fitting finish only, to save. if you're a collector armor or weapons, graduated already complete ga no problem. later also there are three main characters dapet tips 40 Million Dollar dimisi Last robbery: The Big Score. Cheat & keys for PS3 only.

Mission Walkthrough Gta V (Complete)

Note: click on the title to see the mission Gta V Walkthrough

 Franklin and Lamar
 Repossession Note: The mission is to use "Glitch" when you want to buy the Property, (recommended) after graduation. Tutorial: Property board approach to buy, when confirm 2x (sign already purchased), press "Start" and then to "Load Game" select this mission (not necessarily completed) create Failed mission and exit (do Replay Mission). later after back ingame, you're already buying Property for free without going out of money.
Complication Characters Michael Open
Father / Son
The Long Stretch
Early Marriage Counseling triggers Michael robbed again
Daddy's Little Girl
Friend Request All clothing store open after this mission
Additional Mission: The Good Husband
Casing the Jewel Store
Carbine Rifle (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Loud N Dumb)
Bugstars Equipment (Option: Loud N Dumb)
BZ Gas Grenades (Option: Loud N Dumb)
The Jewel Store Job (Option: Smart) Recommended
Mr Trevor Philips Outdoor Characters
Nervous Ron
Trevor Philips Industries
Crystal Maze
friends Reunited
Fame or Shame
Dead Man Walking
Did Somebody Say Yoga?
Three Company
By the Book The mission is no torture scenes!
Hood Safari
Scouting the Port Port
The Merryweather Heist (Option Freighter)
The Heist Merryweather (Option Offshore)
Additional Activities: Flight School
Blitz Play
Getaway Vehicle Best Location for Getaway Vehicle is in the area "La Mesa" near Lester's office under the bridge.
tow Truck
Trash Truck
Masks can buy all the masks for collectors
boiler Suits
Blitz Play 2
I Fought the Law
Eye in the Sky
Mr Richards
Caida Libre
Deep Inside
Minor Turbulence
Score Paleto Setup
military Hardware
The Paleto Score
Monkey Business
Hang Ten
Surveying the Score
Bury the Hatchet
Pack Man
fresh Meat
The Ballad of Rocco
Cleaning Out the Bureau
Reuniting the Family
The Bureau Raid (Option: The Fire Crew) Michael disguised form the artisan mop in FIB building, also smuggle bomb.
Architect's Plans
Getaway Vehicle 2
Fire Truck
The Bureau Raid - (Option The Roof Entry) Recommended (differences with the Fire Truck, started wearing a parachute entrance building were FIB
The Wrap Up
Legal Trouble
Lamar Down
Meltdown Tips: enable Cheat Invincibility (Invulnerability) before returning home: Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Additional Mission: Save the game Parenting 101 Parenting should not be removed if you want to try other options of choice last robbery mission of The Big Score.
The Big Score 1 (Option: Subtile) recommended and is guaranteed to be 40 million dollars perkarakter. how to select the Crew: Taliana Martinez, first (5% reduction) cost of other new crew.
Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill Location Mobil gaunlet 1
Gauntlet - Rockford Hills Car Location gaunlet 2
Gauntlet - Mission Row Car Location gaunlet 3
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Subtile) Mission to rob the gold that will be transported by car gaunlet.
The Big Score 2 - (Option: Obvious) Recommended
Finale - Introduction You must choose whom you must kill? Michael? - Trevor or Deathwish (Recommended) when the two characters do not have to die.
Ending A: Something Sensible Kill Trevor
Ending B: The Time Come Kill Michael
Ending C: The Third Way Michael and Trevor safe, but you have to kill the three of Wei Cheng, Steve Haines, Stretch and Devin Weston.
How to Get Money 500 Million More:

First complete the mission Finale - Introduction, where you can choose to kill Michael, Trevor or Deathwish? money will appear when completed 40 Million Dollar dikantong. never spend it, because after this will play the Stock Market.

To get the money 40 Million, try dimisi The Big Score, choosing Crew: Taliana Martinez (small pieces 5%) and the crew also other small pieces, if necessary, Patrick Mcreary. how to get your Taliana crew had to help advance this area, in Braddock Pass, trace the path was found Taliana being injured. bring him to return home not far from Trevor's house and open a new crew. the possibility of opening Taliana must wear Trevor characters.

To open crew Patrick Mcreary lies in Dollar Pills (near the first safehouse Frankin). Dollar Pills approach when the map shows a blue dot there, but you have to take the car for 3 people (do sedan). he will ask for help to escape from there and the stars will be lit, police chasing you. after can melolokan themselves and toward the destination, the crew will open.

The Big Score and Deathwish finished. now play Assassination mission, the mission is indeed to Franklin alone but others may "Nebeng Kaya" term. You must complete the mission of The Hotel Assassination, but others must be after graduation. Because of what? specifies: 40 Million can be 70 Million and 70 Million can be 200 Millions.

Investkan all the money 40 Million Your (Stock Market: Debonaire), before playing the mission of The Multi Target Assassination. replace two other characters, as well invest. finish this mission and returned home to sleep. Save on, wake up, sleep again (this is important) because the sleep time will be lost 6 hours. but you also watched "my portfolio" to "Debonaire Shares" up to 80%, and then sell the shares of all of you.

This after Invest more into (Stock Market: Redwood Cigarette) spend money, also two other characters. fixed by sleeping until Redwood rose to 300%, you can already 200an million. if you can played a GTA 5 with a (Stock Market: Bawsaq) better yet, might be 1.5 or 1.8 billion US dollars. Bawsaq system using an internet connection. LCN without internet.

Play missions to three The Vice Assassination, invest all your money into (Stock Market: Fruit, Bawsaq), up 50% and sales rose. as well as the mission of (4): The Bus Assassination (Stock Market: Vavid, Bawsaq) selling at 100%. The Construction Assassination last mission, invest into GoldCoast when 80% of all sales.


Invest your money before the mission but the mission to four, The Assassination Bus (after the mission). still sleeping to speed up the time.

Conclusion And Buying Property:

Without Bawsaq you can bawsaq 500 million and with more than 1 billion. so ga vain Gta 5. you play with that much money you buy Property deh deh. The following is a (recommendation) property to be purchased by each character:

Business listings provided

Owned Price Income Weekly Owner Sites
LSPD Auto impound Davis, Los Santos $ 150,000 $ 500 per car Franklin
Downtown Cab Co. East Vinewood, Los Santos $ 200,000 $ 2,000 Franklin
McKenzie Field Hangar Grapeseed, Blaine County $ 150,000 $ 7,000 per air missions, $ 5,000 per mission ground Trevor
Paleto Cove Dock Sonar Collections, Blaine County $ 250,000 $ 23,000 per nuclear waste collected Any
Los Santos Customs Grand Senora Desert, Blaine County $ 349,000 $ 1,600 Franklin
Cinema Doppler Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 10,000,000 $ 132,200 Michael
Theater Ten Cent Textile City, Los Santos $ 20,000,000 $ 264,000 Michael
Tivoli Cinema Morningwood, Los Santos $ 30,000,000 $ 142,300 Michael
GWC Los Santos Golf Club and Golf Society, Los Santos $ 150,000,000 $ 264,500 Any
Car scrapyard El Burro Heights, Los Santos $ 275,000 $ 150 per car Any
Smoke on the water La Puerta, Los Santos $ 204,000 $ 9,300 Franklin
Tequi-la-la West Vinewood, Los Santos $ 2,000,000 $ 16,500 Any
Pitcher Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos $ 750,000 $ 7,100 Any
The Hen House Paleto Bay, Blaine County $ 80,000 $ 920 A
North Hookies Chumash, Los Santos $ 600,000 $ 4,700 Franklin or Michael
Unicorn Vanilla Strawberry, Los Santos Complete, Hang Ten $ 5,000 Trevor
storage vehicles

Owned Places Price Own Notes
Puerto Del Sol Marina La Puerta, Los Santos $ 75,000 All Enables boat to be stored.
Vespucci Helipad Los Santos $ 419,850 Franklin and Michael Allows the helicopter to be saved.
Los Santos International Hangar Los Santos International Airport, Los Santos $ 1,378,600 Franklin and Michael Allow air to be stored. Vehicles of Warstock Cache & Carry will also be stored here. Also give permission to log on the airport tarmac.
Sandy Shores Sandy Shores Airfield, Blaine County Nervous Ron Trevor Enables Complete airplanes and helicopters to be stored.
Grove Street Garage Davis, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social Club Franklin Allows storage of up to four cars.
Pillbox Hill Garage Pillbox Hill, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or have a Social Club account Trevor Allows storage of up to four cars.
East Garage Vinewood Vinewood, Los Santos $ 30,000 / Free if players buy collectors edition pack or an account Social Club

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