Although in general the ghost refers to a substance that interferes earthly life, in many cultures, the ghost is not defined as a substance that is both good and evil. Mentions devil, demons, genderuwo, and so forth, are more commonly used to refer to an evil ghost. While a good ghost, which have the ability to help people, known by various different names, such as the designation for the Datuk, Te Cu Kong (ruler of the land, in Confucianism), and others. But in most religions, ask the ghosts to help human beings is prohibited.
Ghost is believed to exist by almost all human beings who believe in God, although only a small proportion who admitted ever seen a ghost directly. Hauntings be the pros and cons in many developed countries. Some scientists think the ghost is just an illusion or delusion those who believe, while most other scientists tried to prove scientifically the existence of substances contained in ghosts. Ghosts are generally referring to the life after death. Ghosts also associated with spirits or ghosts who leave the agency because of the death. The definition of a ghost in general, different for each religion, culture, and customs. Ghosts are often depicted human size and shape (although some call it resemble an animal), usually described as "shimmering", "ghosting", "like fog," or shadow. A ghost does not have flesh like a man, a mere shadow of the body (astral body). Sometimes not appear when viewed but in other phenomena such as the movement of the object, the light of life and death with his own, sounds, etc., that has no logical explanation. In the West they believe ghosts are sometimes regard them as a spirit after death that is not calm, and with that roamed the earth. The lack incapacity find rest described as the last unfinished work, like prey to seek justice or revenge after death.
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