Merah Delima Soekarno - For most people Kejawen, the figure of the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno was known as a leader who has the authority and morbidity is high. Many people believe that Sukarno was not just like ordinary people. He is even believed to be still alive until now and will take back the land that dititipkannya to Suharto. Merah Delima Sukarno Sukarno Authority and the magic is already evident in many ways. All the nations of the world know the Son of the Dawn as a leader who is so charismatic. Dressed in his trademark, the baton, black cap, glasses, and a ruby ring always wore, he has been a driving force for the independence of many nations in Asia and Africa Run. Not only that, the Proclaimer also very loved by his people even until today. In line with his authority, magic Soekarno also seems undisputed. He proved to have escaped many assassination attempt launched by the Netherlands and Japan. At least 23 assassination attempts directed at it, none of them managed to make a name he passed away. In one story even mentioned that once the Japanese troops have been successfully fired three hot lead in the head and make Soekarno lifeless. The soldiers were then buried corpse Soekarno amid rubber plantations and return to headquarters with full happiness. Japanese celebrate that success, but after a week, Soekarno known to have been in the Soviet Union and central political lobbying by many world leaders. Origins Kesaktian authority Soekarno Soekarno Kesaktian and indeed is still a mystery. When he was asked, he just admitted that what he has that, everything is a gift of Allah. Never had he mentioned something to do with their talisman and the like. Recognition of the Son of Dawn is certainly not necessarily trusted by everyone. Realizing so charismatic and how saktinya him, not a few people who then attributing all that with what he used to wear, including clothing trademark, the baton, black cap, glasses, and a ruby ring always wore. They believe that if the magic and Soekarno authority is derived from the objects auspicious wearing it. Nowadays, many people are trying and vying to have objects that are subject to Soekarno in the past to be ajimat or to just be a collection. However, these objects by Sukarno family will never be sold. Everything is neatly stored in the residence eldest daughter of Sukarno, Megawati. Everything was there, except mustika ruby ring. Merah Delima Owned Nyi Roro Kidul Mystery ruby Soekarno Mustika loss is no longer a new story to be shocked. Ruby ring Soekarno acknowledged, had been missing since 1963, just in time for his trip to Jogjakarta. Events Soekarno loss ruby ring when it is believed to occur due to the fact that their owners Kanjeng Queen Nyi Roro Kidul pick supernatural. As it is known that people kejawen believe if Nyi Roro Kidul and Soekarno was the second of four brothers. Nyi Roro Kidul lend the ring to Soekarno to Soekarno could be a king in the kingdom of the Indonesian people. During the ring was not in the hand of the Queen of the South Coast, sea kidul magical kingdom known to many battered by unseen surrounding kingdoms. Therefore, very forced Nyi Roro Kidul take the mustika of fingers Soekarno though he knew that if his brother task in leading the human kingdom has not ended. Since making ruby ring, Sukarno gradually lost its miracle. He eventually easily dropped by his political opponents, Soeharto trickery very structured and systematic. Thus the exposure of the ruby mustika Soekarno and relation with supernatural powers and authority of the Son of the Dawn. Hopefully the story could be an improvement for us all. Amen.
Copied from The Origin Story Blog.
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