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Recent Kompasianival Rubric Headline Event Log OPTIONS Options Topic City of San Francisco and its Indonesian People July 31, 2015 05:11:41 Updated: August 12, 2015 04:18:53 Read: 2,405 Comments: 0 Score: 4 City of San Francisco and its Indonesian People CITY SAN FRANCISCO & PEOPLE Indonesian San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in the state of California and ranked 12th in the United States. Total population in 2009 is estimated at 815 000 inhabitants. Size Square San Francisco 46.7 miles (121 km) and a population density of 17 323 inhabitants / mi. Sann Francisco city is also a major city of more than 200,000 people to the two most populous in the state of California. Today, San Francisco is a city famous international tourist destination mainly because of the cold summer fog, steep hills, a mixture of Victorian architecture and modern architecture, and a variety of famous landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge, the city trasport system, and Chinatown. The city is also a center for banking and finance major, and home to exceed 30 international financial institutions that helped put San Francisco on the level of the 18th in a list of cities the top manufacturers of the world, 9th in the United States, and the 15th in the list 20 best financial center in the world. In this city also is the center of LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender; and if you follow the tour, there is a special event that brings you to their area which is on the way Castro San Francisco. In the city of San Francisco you can find a variety of Indonesian community, from the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in San Francisco, the community Dharma Wanita, the church community, the Muslim community and the Association of Friends of Indonesia (PSI) as well as a variety of local organizations from both the Batak and Manado (BOSAMI ) as well as student organizations Permias Indonesia. You will also find several restaurants Indonesia and a number of supermarkets selling food typical of Indonesia. In San Francisco there is also Indonesian media in the form of a magazine called Tell circulated in almost every region of the state of California. Consulate SAN FRANCISCO In the education we can also find a variety of existing Collage and the University of Indonesian children. One of the private Christian school that consists of pre-school level to high school level the Cornerstone Academy ( and the Evangelical Church Cornerstone Baptist Church ( which has established 40 years are right in the city of San Francisco. CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH Evangelical SAN FRANCISCO, REV. DR Chanson LAU, FOUNDER since 1985 Cornerstone Schools also receive the following high school students to provide shelter (dormitory) from various countries. In this school also organized a traning program for students in the short term (two weeks) and providing shelter for meraka. During this time students from China, Hong Kong, Singapore has often worked closely with the school. Precisely in this place has been going on for three years pioneering the Lord speak Indonesian Indonesian Evangelical Church Cornerstone Baptist, San Francisco, the address 501 Cambridge St, San Francisco. Therefore, if you or your child or school visit in San Francisco and the Bay Area around, no need to feel awkward and foreign, karean in this place you may meet friends from Indonesia. Cornerstone Church in Indonesian language was pioneered by Ps. Saumiman Saud and Ev. Susan Cang, two of them are alumni of Southeast Asia Bible Seminary (TIME), Malang While the website Cornerstone church in Indonesian language is or contact via email to get more info. CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH Evangelical SAN FRANCISCO, 501 CAMBRIDGE ST, SAN FRANCISCO. If you are the first time to San Francisco, then we inform you that San Francisco Intl quite close to the city of San Francisco, approximately 15-20 minutes. Public transport commonly used a kind of train that here we call Barth (Bay Area Rapid Transit), then there Muni Bus, Taxi and more recently such famous kenderaaan UBER and similar that can be contacted via smart phone. Around the area we call the San Francisco Bay Area that there are also several Collage and universtitas considerable Indonesian children. In the city of San Jose called Silicon Valley, for example where Google, Yahoo, Apple, etc., in this area there is also a DeAnza and Foot Hill College, in the city Plesent Hill No school Diablo Valley College (DVC), in San Francisco there are Academy Of Art is. While there are university was the University of California Berkeley, Stanford University, San Francisco State University and several other universities. San Francisco also has recreation areas commonly dikunjung by tourists starters, among others, the Golden Gate Bridge there we can take pictures, Twin Peak peak to see the city of San Francisco, Pier 39 at the dock we can shop for food souvenirs and also up ship heading to Alcatraz prison yore. Then we also should visit Lombart Street, a road which is designed as a bend snake, China Town, Down Town, California Academic of Science and a number of historic buildings and the Museum of antique models. If you enjoy the beach also can go to the Pacific Beach or Half moon bay. PIER 39 ALCATRAZ Lombart ST Indonesian Community in San Francisco consists of various kinds, families already established here, they are still paperwork legality, students and the number of employees and a young couple who work here. When the riots in Jakarta in 1998 there are many Indonesian people are immigrants to the USA, including in the city of San Francisco, then they get asylum from the government here to obtain Permanent Resident allowed to work and live well. Indonesia's population lives in San Francisco also consists of various kinds so that their work also compound. If they do not take school here most of their initial work in the restaurant, the driver, cleanliness, and household chores. If those schools and graduated here mostly work in offices, computer IT and one or two of their own a business. In the Bay Area alone is no computer company owned by Indonesia were quite large and recruit some Indonesian people working in the company. At the same time there was an Indonesian who opened the business of production Sushi Japanese food is big enough so that recruited many Indonesian people work in his company. So little insight and overview should we describe about San Francisco, hopefully a bit of information was a benefit for you, longing and prayer writer that someday you may wish to visit this legendary city. This article is actually far from complete, only briefly; if between you are more experienced and have more info, please write lenih added and complete; so we all got the info richer. Greeting us in San Francisco, 3rd Anniversary Event Cornerstone Speak Indonesia Aug 9, 2015, at 2 pm, 501 Cambridge St San Francisco CLICK Saumiman Saumiman Saud Saud / VERIFIED saumiman Graffiti in twilight overseas More ... FOLLOW Share Share 0 0 kompasiana MEDIA ARE RESIDENTS, ANY CONTENT AND BEING MADE BY THE AUTHOR OF LIABILITY. 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