Historical studies mention that before religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam) go to the archipelago, the Java community is already very familiar with the mystical tradition and mysticism high. The arrival of the trustees in Java (Wali Songo) did not reject the Javanese tradition. But to use it as a means of propaganda.
In hasanah supanatural science in the country, we recognize two main streams that flow Wisdom and Flow Kejawen. Flow of Wisdom developed among schools with typical Arabic rapalannya example hizib / hijib / asthma. While the flow Kejawen (actually has no purely Kejawen again, but mixed with Arabic tradition) spells pure Java language. But now the spell is already beginning to read "Basmalah" followed by a spell of Java and ends with God's request permission (Soko Kersaning Allah) ..
Good Flow and Flow Kejawen Wisdom was already known to the missionaries. Initially the flow of wisdom and by The Guardian later corrected and revised by drafting practice supernatural sciences with procedures in accordance with religious belief, for example, do fasting, wirid and rapal are usually mixed between Arabic-Java. The point is prayer and petition God to be allowed to have a certain practice. Maybe that was the reason why the trustees kejawen mantra is not entirely in Arabic. Namely that the Javanese people will not feel strange new teachings they know.
One parent who is famous with the supernatural ability to process the practice of science is Sunan Kalijaga. Sunan Kalijaga is a character clever and intelligent use of various media and means to preach. For example through mysticism, song, ballad. Suluk and songs he authored doctrinal philosophy of divinity and mysticism teachings invaluable.
Every human behavior will cause a physical form in the astral plane. Whatever the behavior, he would one day return to the perpetrator and will lead to a result that is metaphysical. The practice of science supernatural intended for a good cause will evoke a very terrible astral energy so that someone could do something that is beyond ordinary human. The practice of science is as if the inner conditions need to be met to obtain a supernatural science.
If the inner is filling the inner energy of the unseen. Charging enough energy to do one for a lifetime. The energy savings can be made by an assortment depending on the type of science that wants to master. So the requirement to get the science is practiced reading wird prayer / spells, away from abstinence, fasting. In Java, we know patigeni fasting (not eating, drinking, sleeping and should not be subject to light), Nglowong, ngebleng and others. Usually the severity of penance according to the level of a science magic. Someone should do a lot of virtues and keep the liver net while practicing a science.
Each of the Occult has khodam. This Angel is not a supernatural creature kind of genie, but it's an energy khodam our mental formations. This Angel is the "spirit" of a science. This Angel was in the astral and will remain in the body of people who have the science.
OF SCIENCE supernatural
Based on the function of science supernatural digolongan be as follows:
1. Science or Science Kanuragan Immunity
Serves to martial metaphysically. Studies include the ability to survive (immune) to attack and the ability to strike with tremendous force.
2. Arts and Sciences Kawibaan Pengasihan
Its function affects the psyche and feelings of others. LMU Kawibaan be used to increase the attractiveness of leadership and strengthen communication of energy or words spoken, respected people and obeyed his orders. Science Pengasihan or pellets science is the science that makes sympathy and affection of others. Make idol of the heart fall in love. This science can also be used to make a hard-hearted opponents into friends easily consulted included repatriate people who went away. Included in this grace of science is the science Penglarisan to attract buyers to come into our stores and businesses.
3. Science & Meraga Sukma Trawangan
Trawangan science serves to sharpen the mind's eye to be able to capture the subtle cues, remote viewing, invisibility and others. While Meraga Science Sukma is a continuation of Sciences Trawagan. In the science of the mind's eye only trawangan are wandering everywhere, whereas if it has mastered the science of Meraga Sukma someone could release the spirit to do astral travel. Good Science Trawangan maupaun Meraga soul is a science that requires determination and probity. Usually only dominated by older people.
4. for the Performing Arts
Just get used to performing on stage. This science is similar to kanuragan science because it can show immunity against sharp objects, hot oil and hard water but actually only used as a performance only
5. Medical Sciences
Health science body and used to treat various types of diseases, either physical or metaphysical. For example mak erot owned science, practice so strong sex, and alternative supernatural science used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes and others.
If kanuragan is like sport. Not only his body but usually are trained to master the moves, locks and acquisition for offense and defense. But also the ability to generate energy within. Workers in the diganbung with a special inner practice (behavior) and then became a science and ajian very many kinds. This spell comes from the energy that is not visible to the eye.
WHERE SCIENCE supernatural?
At least, one has the ability or being able to master the science of magic formulas derived from:
1. Inheritance
A person can get supernatural scientific heritage of stained-grandparents, great-great-great-grandfather, parents and others who are not familiar at all. Those who get this spell automatically without learning and without his knowledge own particular spell. So people called as "science tiban" which means come unexpectedly before.
2. Run Laku penance.
Penance is a form of spiritual cultivation typical Javanese goal of gaining supernatural energy or the achievement of a desire. It could be the practice of penance, mantras, abstinence, fasting or a combination of these elements. This is called learning the science of the supernatural. Successful or unsuccessful run tirakat to master the science, depends entirely on himself. In this case the teacher only give guidance.
3. Charging.
Someone who does not want painstakingly also can have supernatural abilities, namely by charging. Charging is a supernatural energy transfer from Master to disciple. With so a direct student of the same abilities as his teacher. Charging science could only be done by a teacher who has reached a high spiritual level.
What side effects?
Some people still believe that the owners of the Occult will experience hardship and torment when death's door before the death and this is true IF the person concerned BAD INTENTIONS plant and the AJIAN practice for bad purposes. The law of karma / causal to bear. However, when he planted AJIAN GOODWILL and practice for the purposes of good and positive, for example, to defend themselves, to defend the truth and the teachings of the belief held then the law of cause and effect also will be received directly from God Almighty.
There is a myth when people would be poor if it has a certain spell, then this is not true. Rizqi and our fate is in "His hand". Not in the hands of khodam spell. If by chance the person who has the spell was poor, it was not caused by the science, but because of lazy, did not have the specific skills and competencies, and so on.
To note that most people who have occult then he usually becomes ARROGANT. Note that ARROGANCE is actually prohibited by God Almighty. HAVE SENSE resulting ARROGANCE this is not allowed and will nyrimpeti CONDUCT us in living Sangkan his Paraning of being human. So it's not supernatural science that was prohibited, but because of the impact properties of the resulting negative influence. Moreover, when the owner's knowledge spuranatural lazy and just wait for a helping hand of another person then he will be cursed by God. Finally, it can be concluded that the positive and negative depending on the Suptanartural Science GOODWILL DEEDS AND CONDUCT deeds and their owners.
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