Sunday, October 2, 2016

ge Signs Appear Wh

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Disaster Strikes Strange on Earth As Evidence Signs of Sky
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Strange code Earthquake & Disaster in Indonesia
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Vision Journey of Life
Mysteries of Birth and Death Soekarno

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Of course we already know much about the core information of a living material, in this case, the role of DNA in a cell is a genetic material means, storing DNA blueprints for all cellular activity. It's common to every organism.

In the real world the blueprint of an event can be found by searching for the basic shape of events page, and then given an easy operation in order to find the purpose of the event page. This is referred to as the DNA of the incident. Here is a sample of DNA which covered events in themselves SOEKARNO to know the meaning and intent of an incident

 Everyone in Indonesia, even abroad, certainly familiar with Sukarno and Suharto, citing wikipedia, Soekarno

soekarno_mudaDr. (HC) Ir. Soekarno1 (ER, EYD: Sukarno, the name was born: Koesno Sosrodihardjo) (born in Surabaya, East Java, June 6, 1901 - died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970 at the age of 69 years) is Indonesia's first president who served in the period 1945-1966. He played a key role in liberating the nation Indonesia from Dutch colonial rule. He was proclaimed the Independence of Indonesia (along with Mohammad Hatta) that occurred on August 17, 1945. Sukarno was first coined the concept of Pancasila as the state of Indonesia and he himself called it.

Mystery Birth Soekarno
DNA can be obtained from the occurrence of Sukarno and his birth name, meaning Note Soekarno name and date of birth that form a memory recall that will occur at the death of Suharto. Again notice the illustration below

misteri_kelahiran_soekarnoSebuah code Strange On Self Soekarno namely 121,

Ir.Soekarno birth date is 6-6-1901, an easy operation is 6 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 0 + 1 = 23
Name Soekarno forming alphabetical order, S = 19 O = 15, E = 5, K = 11, A = 1, R = 18, N = 14 and O = 15, all of which are 19 + 15 + 5 + 11 + 1 + 18 + 14 + 15 = 98
Date of birth and name Soekarno form 98 + 23 = 121
A code 121 which is the date of death of Suharto and his name. Suharto died 27-1-2008 (2 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 20 and the name of Suharto = 101. Date of death * the name of Suharto, 101 + 20 = 121
A strange regularity, when code 121 is attached to the self-Ir. President Soekarno as first one, then the 121 code appears on the death of Suharto as a substitute for Soekarno (President of the Second). Consider the following picture

misteri_kematian_soeharto_sama_dengan_kelahiran_soekarnoSebuah code 121 which is the date of death of Suharto and his name. Suharto died 27-1-2008 (2+ 7 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 20 and the name of Suharto = 101. Date of death + the name of Suharto, 101 + 20 = 121

Suharto's death date 27-1-2008, an easy operation ie 7 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 20
The name he formed alphabetical order, S = 19 O = 15, E = 5, H = 8, A = 1, R = 18, T = 20 and O = 15, all of which amounted to 19 + 15 + 5 + 8 + 1 + 18 + 20 + 15 = 101
Date of death and the name of Suharto established 20 + 101 = 121
Why date of birth and date of death of Soeharto Soekarno contains a code the same as 121? There is the 121 code this?

Mystery Death Soekarno
misteri_kematian_soekarnoDNA other events in order to interpret the meaning of the presence of Sukarno, can be obtained from the date of his death and where he died and was buried.

Quoting Wikipedia, Sukarno Health has begun to decline since August 1965. Previously, he has been found suffering from kidney problems and had undergone treatment in Vienna, Austria in 1961 and 1964. Prof. Dr. K. Fellinger of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna suggested that the left kidney Soekarno appointed but he refused and prefer traditional remedies. He survived for 5 years before it finally died on Sunday, June 21, 1970 at Army Hospital (Army Central Hospital) Gatot Subroto, Jakarta with its status as a political prisoner. Soekarno corpse was transferred from the Army Hospital to Yasso guesthouse owned by Ratna Sari Dewi. Before declared dead, a routine inspection of Sukarno was performed by Dr. Mahar Mardjono which is a member of the presidential medical team. A short time later was issued a medical communique signed by the Chairman Prof. Dr. Mahar Mardjono along with Vice Chairman Major General Dr. (TNI) Rubiono Kertopati.

The medical communique stated as follows:

On Saturday, June 20, 1970 20:30 Ir health conditions. Soekarno deteriorating and awareness gradually declined. Date June 21, 1970 03:50 o'clock in the morning, Ir. Soekarno unconscious and then at 07.00 Ir. Sukarno died dunia.Tim doctors are constantly trying to overcome the critical situation Ir. Soekarno until his death.

Although Sukarno never requested that he was buried at Slate, Bogor, but President Suharto chose Kota Blitar, East Java, as the burial place of Sukarno. It was determined through Presidential Decree No. 44 1970. The bodies were taken to Blitar Soekarno day after his death and was buried the next morning next to his mother's grave. The funeral of Sukarno led by Armed Forces Commander General M. Panggabean as inspector ceremony. [The government then set a seven-day mourning period.

A symbol 88 which is the mystery of death Soekarno, there is this 88? look at the picture below, that the birth of Sukarno many versions, one satunnya mentioned in Surabaya, Surabaya also nothing else worth mentioning 88 and another version was born near Mount Kelud,

First RI President Sukarno who was born two weeks after Mount Kelud erupted on 22-23 May 1901 at 06.00 am from the couple, Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai on June 6, 1901.
Previous Soekarno named Koesno Soesrodihardjo but because often sickly until his name was changed to Soekarno. Her mother said, "Someday you'll be a noble person, you will be the leader of our people, because the mother had you at half past six in the morning at dawn." We Javanese have faith, that people who were born at sunrise, his fate was destined beforehand. Do not forget it! Never forget your son, that thou art the son of the dawn ".


Meaning of Birth & Death Soekarno
DNA's birth and death SOEKARNO forming a DNA code Genesis 121 inherent in soekarno birth, and DNA codes attached to the 88 events he died. What does the DNA TSB occurrence?

Notice when Sukarno was born to carry DNA-coded code 121, which can extract a DNA code into other yagn appropriate image below

makna_121_asmaul_husna_dan_kitab_suciSoekarno born to carry a sign of Godhead that he became leader and hold fast to the sacred teachings of the Quran, as the DNA of events with code 121. It's really done when Soekarno embody independence and create PANCASILA, DNA, pay attention incidence Soekarno code and Pancasila

kelahiran_soekarno_23_dan_pancasila_76_membentuk_99Gambar above shows a real sense that the Soekarno giving spirit for the nation to be always close to Him,

it is stated in the preamble 45

Alenia Third
"In the grace of Allah Almighty and with didorongkan by the noble desire that berkehidupan nationalities is free the people of Indonesia hereby declare their independence"
Recognition of 'religious values' in the statement "In the grace of Allah Almighty" implies that the State of Indonesia recognizes the religious values, amerupakan basis of positive legal state and moral basis of the state. Recognition of 'moral values' contained in the statement "driven by a noble desire that berkehidupan nationality-free" implies that the state and nation of Indonesia recognizes the moral values ​​and the natural right of all nations. Expressions returning to the proclamation of the sentence "... the people of Indonesia hereby declare their independence". It is intended as a confirmation and further details manuscript August 17, 1945 Proclamation.

A lofty ideals to always closer to Him as independence was "" Over the grace of Allah Almighty and with didorongkan by the noble desire that berkehidupan nationalities is free the people of Indonesia hereby declare their independence "is not a gift from Japan or another,

Over time, the business-by-business as a form of reaching the destination country, Objective Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) contained in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution the fourth paragraph of "Later than that to form a government state of Indonesia which shall protect the entire Indonesian nation and the entire country of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, educating the nation and participate in the establishment of world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice ... ".
From these formulations, indications of national objectives / state to be achieved at the same time is a task that must be carried out by the State, namely:
a. Protect the entire Indonesian nation and the entire country of Indonesia;
b. Promote the general welfare;
c. Enrich the life of a nation;
d. Opt establishment of world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice.

In the course of an event that Kela, that the event was Soekarno ter'jungkal 'of kepresidenan.Peristiwa is G30SPKI, citing wikipedia,

The September 30th Movement (formerly also abbreviated as G30S PKI, G-30S / PKI), Gestapu (Movement September Thirty), Gestok (Movement One October) is an event that occurs just after the night of September 30 until early October 1, 1965 in where six Indonesian military officers along with several other people were killed in an attempted coup attempt later blamed on the Indonesian Communist Party members.

misteri_g_30_s_membentuk_33Perhatikanlah that G30S PKI took place on 30-9-1965 which established a code of 9 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 33, then after the G30 SPKI,

Sukarno gave warrant March 11, 1966, citing wikipedia

Sukarno signed the Decree of March 11, 1966 Supersemar controversial content-based version issued by the Army Headquarters-commissioned Lieutenant-General Suharto to secure and maintain the security of the country and the institution of the presidency. Supersemar the basis of Lieutenant-General Suharto to dissolve the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and replace the members who sit in parliament. Having rejected accountable Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS) at a public hearing to four in 1967, Sukarno was dismissed from his post as president of the Special Session MPRS in the same year and Suharto succeeded him as acting President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Then Sukarno died 21-June-1970, which form 88, the G 30 SPKI which forms the code 33, finally an easy operation to 88 + 33 = 121 [EXACTLY THE BIRTH & DEATH SOEKARNO SOEHARTO]


Memory To Not Repeat
Explanations for the sake of explanation above shows the DNA of events will be an event that occurred, consider the natural language when year after the death pak Harto 27th-January-2008 (see [Mystery death of Suharto] Why the Right pkl 1:10 PM?), Then right next year, or 44 the year when the G30S PKI that occurred in 1964, then 44 years later, exactly 30-september-2009, a massive earthquake rocked Indonesia, known as seismic field. Note the picture below

gempa_padang_membentuk_66Bukankah birth date Soekarno 6-6? not G30S PKI took place on 30-9-1965 which form 33, then 44 years of earthquake fields that make up the 66. Did not the earthquake paddock and G30S PKI coincident occurrence so 33 + 66 = 99 to form early memories when this country was founded?


A summary of the events of 44 years ago when the G30S PKI took place on 30-9-1965, then the next 44 years padang earthquake occurred which form 66 (date of birth Soekarno) and the number of earthquakes meadow 30-9-2009 form 23, the same the exact date of birth 6-6-1901 Soekano that form 6 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 0 + 1 = 23 as well.

misteri_gempa_padang_g_30_s_pkiPerhatikanlah that warning G30S PKI 44th falls in 2009 which coincided with the earthquake field, up to a 44 other emerging

Although Sukarno never requested that he was buried at Slate, Bogor, but President Suharto chose Kota Blitar, East Java, as the burial place of Sukarno. It was determined through Presidential Decree No. 44 years 1970.Jenazah Soekarno taken to Blitar day after his death and was buried the next morning next to his mother's grave.

Whether special relationship with Padang Soekarno, up to when the 44-year G 30 S PKI, desert town hit by a devastating earthquake 30-9-2009, citing Internet sources, Bung Karno with the city of Padang

The Netherlands wants to bring Bung Karno to Australia via Padang, arriving in Padang, the ship exploded Bung Karno wanted to take Japanese bombed. After that Sukarno abandoned by the Dutch in Padang.

Viewed Padang town atmosphere that is no longer stable due to the Japanese occupation, Bung Karno trying to build a community organization that will be able to negotiate with the Japanese army. Upon entering the city, there happens to be a small organization, the organization of merchants. Bung Karno met the chairman suggested that the chairman of the traders' organization held a rally on the field. In this meeting Bung Karno managed to form what is called "Command of the People," which was given the task by the president as the interim government and to maintain order.

Moving to Jakarta

The success carried Bung Karno in Padang do not last long in controlling the violence is likely to occur due to the people of Indonesia that is hostile to Japan and from Japan alone are likely to act violently. Therefore, the Japanese authorities want Bung Karno immediately sent to Jakarta.

Upon arrival in Jakarta, he picked Anwar Tjokroaminoto, Hatta and Sartono old friend and friend struggle Bung Karno. "Hatta whispered, 'how do Bung Karno about this occupation?' I whispered back, 'Japan will not be long here'. They will lose and we will destroy them. This, too, as long as we do not oppose them openly. "

The next day, Bung Karno met General Imamura, Japanese Ground Forces commander XVI, in the former Palace of the Governor-General to discuss a few things. Then in March 1943, Japan commissioned Bung Karno reorganizing the organizational structure that will deliver real aid to Japan in the "Greater East Asia War." This organization is named SON, which stands for the People Power Center. One of its tasks is encouraging people to hate America, Britain, and the Netherlands.

'Spirit' Soekarno Appears Back?
Explanations for the sake of the explanation above, to find the DNA of events that can be a source as something over and over again, then back Kelud erupted explosively (read sightings Giant Black When Kelud erupts) and Surprisingly also includes 66 fields such as earthquakes, see the picture below,

misteri_gunung_kelud_meletus_dan_66Perhatikanlah that Kelud TSB until a sign appears strange (read Kelud erupts, Signs Jokowi Will Be President?) a strange symbol appears in the present, where 121 of the birth of Sukarno and the death of Suharto, the 121 came back through the figure of Joko Widodo who strangely born 21-June-1961, which have a combined easily into 2 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 1 = 26, the exact date of death SOEKARNO that form 26 also is the date 21-June-1970 (2+ 6 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 26).

jokowi_jadi_presdien_tertulis_sejak_lahirSebuah iktibar repeating that there is no 'terpleset' with experienced Soekarno, Joko Widodo must always closer to Him, caused a mystery else has enveloped him (read Jokowi sworn So President, A Sign Strange Appears) and today is Mount Slamet, Mystery Strange Mount Slamet erupts, Signs Of Sky


[UPDATE] Note clearly when warning G30S PKI 44th falls in 2009 which coincided with the earthquake field, up to a 44, both of Sukarno and Joko Widodo that form 121, the 121-44 is 77, note denganbenar Joko Widodo is president 7 and Ring giants appear G. Slamet date 11-9-2014, then 119 = (7 × 17), occurred in 2015, when Jokowi President to 7 met with Saudi King to 7 occur Crane Collapsed in Mecca 11-9-2015

and 7 + 17 = 24, dated 24-9-2015 terjadilan Mina tragedy,

Jokowi President to 7, at-will remind people great challenge as 121 = 77 + 44,

DNA CODE 121 incident is a memory of the 'spirit' soekarno to draw closer to Him as a form of manifestation of the country's founding purpose


So much for the sake of looping and looping regularity, too complex if only due to chance, who set up this order?

And in the earth there are signs for people who yakin.dan yourself. Will ye not then see? (Surah 51 verse 20-21)

A popular 88, read three earthquakes in Indonesia make up the meaning repeatedly, Magic, Symbol Structure The existence of God In Tsunami, earthquake Yogyakarta and Tasikmalaya

[Update] This paper was written before, and the movie above shows the symbols 37 on three earthquakes in Indonesia, to occur again in the MINA, if A = 1 = b = 2 etc, then MINA = 37, [Update ... 99 + 99 + 88 days after a landslide in Banjarnegara date
twin, the tragic Mina 24-9-2015,

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11 comments on "The Mystery of Birth and Death of Sukarno"
August 28, 2015

Indeed birthplace Bung Karno still a Mystery and Polemics until now ,, well, my advice, try gibbon truth, by asking OrangTua2 Surrounding yg jd Witness (still life) ... Actually there was one more Birthplace Bung Karno who has not been revealed, Jamblang try searching in the village, district. Kapetakan, Kab. Cirebon ... Who Know The mystery was revealed ... ameen

April 27, 2016

permission say
the word 'deceased' my teacher 'Bung Karno' the offspring of 'Buyut Trusmi' CIREBON

May 16, 2016

Yes it could be, but "great-grandfather" the last name of his great-grandfather if dlm Indonesian what? Pedigree sort of Keturunan2 People first Tua (Old Wong Bengen - Bhs.Cirebon).
Brother, Well, I wrote Open, please believe it or not: that Sukarno was born from a mother's mouth without his Father, in the area around Jamblang, Cirebon. Exactly the same / with the birth process "Siti Maryam", meaning he had been destined by God Almighty, special For Indonesia ... .After anak2 / teens she likes wandering kemana2 and many live in Surabaya and Blitar.

September 21, 2015

Also yes yes sir,

October 31, 2015

Ir Soekarno tu death nor even because the disease because the disease can still be in the same hold he ... he died being taken away from his people because in place in a nursing home by the devil's ..

December 19, 2015

Emang yg kyk gtu

occhy maylinda
November 20, 2015

Soeharto parah..maximal .. bung karno..semoga quiet rest d heaven with the fighters lainnya..aamiin

salsa adesa
November 23, 2015

Copas licenses ya :) very good article.

Birrul Walidain
February 18, 2016

Thanks gan his article. Adding perspective, anticipated subsequent articles.
Thanks Birrul Walidain

Hasbul amin
March 8, 2016

Ko and when the date and month of birth soekarno exactly the same as the birth year saya..cuma distinguishing aja

March 10, 2016

ya see this

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