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oi Islam as your religion ...."

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Understanding Islam
August 25, 2015admin
understanding islam

Understanding Islam. Islam is the only religion that was revealed and prescribed Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the only religion that is recognized and accepted Him. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will not accept any religion other kind, from anyone, anywhere and through any time.

"Indeed, religion (the blessed) with Allah is Islam" (QS.Ali-Imran: 19)

Islam means submission to God with faith and tawheed in Him and follow Islamic law brought by the rosulNya.

Shaykh Muhammad al-Islam Tamīmiy added significance this principle into three things, he put the Tawhid, ta`at and barā`ah of polytheism, in which he said:

(الإسلام هو الاستسلام لله بالتوحيد و الانقياد له بالطاعة و البراءة من الشرك)

"Islam is submission to God in monotheism, submissive and obedient to Him with keta`atan and free yourself (bara`ah) of shirk"

To worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and to achieve keridoan Him, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala only lose one religion to His servants, from the beginning of the creation of man until the Day of Resurrection later, namely Islam. All the prophets, from Adam 'alayhis salam to the Prophet of Allaah' alayhi wa sallam, only carry and propagation of Islam. That sirotulmustaqim.

The essence of Islam is "total surrender to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, His Oneness, glorifies Him and love Him by following His revelation and law". The nature of things as taught by Islam will never change, since Adam 'alayhis salam to the Prophet of Allaah' alayhi wa sallam, and till doomsday. The Shari'a derived Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the way of worship, places of worship as well as the rules and levels of society, even the law of halal and haram, they can vary from one to the other apostles. Therefore, although different in some parts of the law in detail or details (the majority of global Shari'ah same), but the aqidah of the prophets and their teachings are the same, namely Islam.

Moses' alayhis salam is the prophet of Islam, Muslims and preach Islam and his followers are the people of Islam, not Judaism.

While Judaism is a religion of vanity embraced by people who menyelisihi teachings brought by Prophet Moses' alayhis salam.

وقال موسى يا قوم إن كنتم آمنتم بالله فعليه توكلوا إن كنتم مسلمين

"Moses Say: 'O people, if you believe in Allah, then put your trust in Him, if you really Muslims (Muslims)." (Qur'an, Yunus [10]: 84)

Similarly, Jesus' alayhis salam, and his faithful followers, they are Muslims while the penyelisihnya called Christians with their religion (Christianity), they are the polytheists.

فلما أحس عيسى منهم الكفر قال من أنصاري إلى الله قال الحواريون نحن أنصار الله آمنا بالله واشهد بأنا مسلمون

"And when Jesus knew their rebellion (Bani Israelites), he said: 'Who is ready to be a helper-helper to (establish the religion of) Allah?', The hawariyin (companions faithful) replied: 'We are the helpers (religion) Allah, we believe in Allah; and bear witness that indeed we are Muslims. "(QS. Ali 'Imron [3]: 52)

وإذ أوحيت إلى الحواريين أن آمنوا بي وبرسولي قالوا آمنا واشهد بأننا مسلمون

"And (remember) when I inspired the faithful followers of Jesus: 'Believe ye in me, and to my Prophet'. They replied: 'We believe and bear witness (O Prophet) that indeed we are the people of Islam (the Muslim). "(Qur'an, al-Ma'idah [5]: 111)

At the same time, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reject all religion other than Islam, although aimed at or intended to obtain his keridoan.

ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين

"Whoever adheres to a religion other than Islam, it occasionally will not be accepted (the religion) thereof, and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose." (QS. Ali-'Imron [3]: 85)

 اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دينا

"... This day have Ku-perfected for you your religion and have chosen for both ends meet My favor to you, and have chosen for ridoi Islam as your religion ...." (Qur'an, al-Ma'idah [5]: 3)

Thus the article about the understanding of Islam, hopefully this article adds to our faith all, Aamiin. Please also read our other article here: Opening Prayer Rezeki.
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