Sunday, October 2, 2016

Ki Prana Lewu

Erick Zhu

Friday, February 22, 2013

Paranormal funky, that's his nickname, org whose existence KNI pobud dinanti2 by the audience Still Other World, KPL Lewu prana or ki now become smakin trkenal when it becomes a spiritual expert in the event of another World Still - trans 7
Together with Rudi Kawilarang and excellent image, seolah2menjadi 3 series that was fit to be a partner dlm tsbt ACRA.

Besides filming MDL Ki prana Lewu, jg discount padepokan who brnama "Dayak Prana Lewu" nanny sbgai hermitage he would bnyk discount men also brguru on his mouth. He also opened the practice of medicine, remedy overcoming witchcraft, fencing the place, opened aura, withdrawal rizky and lain2 info can trzbt agan read in

Initially I get less KPL tp ni tntg mungkn frequency krna I watch MDL sya jd pnasaran skali dg mythical figure ki prana, lama2 my clay, I seolah2 trzedot by its magical aura ki prana hehehe lebay very :-D

Morbidly waste of time, whatever he Brita tntang I bca, sgat tp yg sy sdkit skali infrmasi2 dapatkn
Well, sya kmudian MCRI him at FB tp akirnya false scares me follow his trail on twitter
Sya akirnya jg yg tau bhwa Wherever he has a wife who is very cntik his twitter account in @gUgUk_ave of bnyk thing ingn dri sya know him, I can say it now ngefans bget dg KPL, BWT agan agan who also pgemar ki is prana his facebook yg original

Qta can see also in his album2 jin all collectors and hunting arms hahaha

My conclusion is org yg ki prana brwajah sderhana tp discount very strong aura, dg humorous nature, metal and mystical :-D
Kind-hearted and ill smbong wkwkwk .....

Want to join bget only remedy to test the guts to meet him, I turned off the light fitting mgkin will cpt shouted and waved hehehe :-D

Create an MPA'S LOVER dibwah his bio ki ni no prana and also kolexy fto2 funky Abis .....

Congratulations see :-)

Full name: Ferry Ferdyanto (Ki Prana
Place and Date of Birth: Jakarta 3 mei
Gender: Laki2
Son to 5from 5 berzaudara
Hobbies: Shooting and fighting ... hehehe
Weight: 65
Height: 171cm
Occupation: Consultant Spiritual
Years active: 2006
Status: married
the preferred color: Red n Black
favorite food: seafood
beverages diskai: no carbonated yg
stylie shirt: Funky Style n The Matrix

All that may be powerful but still funky ki prana Lewu :-) <3


Posted by Erick Chugiku at 2:53 PM

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Metha LanoJune 13, 2013 at 7:15 AM
I am very berterimah very much to PAK MANDALA for the help I can win RCMS, I do not believe benar2 and almost passed out because the numbers given he turns translucent. Initially I just coba2 called, I said I was stranded in the area of ​​Malaysia. working as a migrant worker and no fare home, at first I hesitated but hopefully I pasangin times 100 sheets and Alhamdulillah succeed. once again thanks a lot PAK yes ... and I will never forget the help and kindness PAK MANDALA. to relatives who want to take their destiny as I please Hub 0823 "4898" 5714 PAK MANDALA. Thus the true story of me and this without engineering. REMEMBER. the chance will never come Yang to. (2) .kalinya ...!


muhammad rupiahDecember 8, 2015 at 9:40 AM
I want to share to all the friends that I, once in the mouth of the most tersusah, although not eat it should also be payable before the same neighbors and grateful if someone would give, the more I tried the more distant also work and as long as I want to do good to others the more that hates me because I just looked down at other people because I do not have anything, and eventually I plan to go nine to me if MBAH ROHMO RUPIAHS can also help people trying anymore trouble and do not think a longer length I langsun contact ROHMO RUPIAHS and liver senan MBAH ROHMO RUPIAHS want to help me ,, thank God I've won togel that the 5th time and I plan to open a business with family and friends out there who want to be like me please contact MBAH ROHMO RUPIAHS, in 082396595377 I am very grateful to Allah because through the help MBAH ROHMO RUPIAHS and now my life is much better than before, remember the opportunity ill for the coming to reply a second time Ataumencari shaman who can penetrate the numbers and some day I met the same people who never assisted at MBAH ROHMO RUPIAHS and he gave the number MBAH ROHMO RUPIAHS, he


He also serves:

1.jual tuyul
2. blu yearns
3. Miscellaneous pesughihan
4. multiply money
5.togel sgp, toggle hk, toto malaysia, 7d, Suprime

in the process of living the life we ​​certainly will have a wide variety of problems and difficulties in living,
both in terms of family, work, economic and even personal issues that concern.
But we must remain lucid and calm in living this life process.
If you experience any of these, let us find a solution.
Please contact me, and together we learned to solve them.
Sms / call to 082396595377

ihsan alimSeptember 14, 2016 at 6:17 AM
Owners nohp 082396595377 and 085397736669 is CON! who profiteer HM.Hidayatullah name and trace testimony from the official web kalimah caller secret money ( For those who become victims immediately report it to the police and show proof of transfer and the nohpnya.


andri yunitaSeptember 17, 2015 at 4:58 PM
TRUE STORY..............
SERI MOM Ass.Saya HASTUTI.Dari Surabaya Want to Share Stories
I was once a successful businessman a fortune, and a high position but since
I was tricked by a friend almost all my assets depleted,
I was desperate almost suicidal, but I am open
internet and find the number Ki Dimas, I ventured to call him, I dikasi solution,
Initially I hesitated and did not believe it, but I try to join the ritual of Ki Dimas thank God now I can get back the capital and starting up my business,
Now I can pay my hutang2 in Bank Mandiri and BNI, accepted the love Ki, would like me please hub Ki
Personal Obey Dimas in nmr 081340887779 Kiyai Obey Personal Dimas, is evident by Allah that I was lying, the beauty of sharing, assalamu alaikum.

He has PROVE kesaya !!!

((((((((((((DANA GHAIB)))))))))))))))))

Instant Pesugihan 10 BILLION
Starting this month (July 2015) We are from the hermitage held without victimizing Instant pesugihan program, and without risk. The program we offer to the patients who need at a sizable capital, debt that has accumulated (over 1 billion), The provisions of this program are as follows:

Debts have over 1 Billion
Capital wants to open a business with over 1 Billion


Minimum age 21 Years
Ritual brave (if not brave, it can be represented and teams)
Pesugihan agreement had never done elsewhere
Sacred and spiritual birth (women should not participate in this program during the coming months)
Empty rooms must have in your home

Process :

The process of ritual for 2 days 2 nights in a cave
Must be mentally prepared both physically and spiritually
Grin Fasting 2 days 2 nights (ngebleng)
At night should not sleep

Cost ritual sum of 10 million with the following details:

Substitute sacrificial goat gird: 5m
Chicken cemani: 2jt
Oil Songolangit: 2jt
flowers, opium, incense, rice cone, shroud, etc. A sum: 1m

This ritual procedure list:

Send your photos
Send Data based on ID

Format: Name, Address, Age, Name Bladder mother, Weton (Birthday), pesugihan 10 BILLION

Send to this number: 081340887779
Your SMS will we reply as soon as possible

Sorry program is LIMITED.


fila fefenOctober 10, 2015 at 10:53 AM
if emang can dpet money 1B why should byar 10 million dlu


fila fefenOctober 10, 2015 at 10:54 AM
if emang can dpet money 1B why should byar 10 million dlu


story nyataJuly 22, 2016 at 2:34 AM
REAL story to share info ...
I recently
june 2016
right on Friday (10-6-2016) until Sunday (12-6-2016)

house caretaker (FALSE)
a / n: Ading 36thn (CON)
characteristics: the thin, amber skin, height 160+
do pesugihan funds Goib
in the village pagundan
village hamlet kliwon
brass (Java)
wife's residence to 1 (TUA)
(Children 2 guy)
caretaker (FALSE)
a / n: Ading 36thn (CON)
has 3 wives
for deceiving as caretaker FALSE 8 yrs ...

a shrine and sacred wells
pagundan village (TRICK / CON)
village hamlet kliwon (BRASS)
I Friday (10-6-2016) until Sunday (12-6-2016) perform rituals during a 3x .. (Ritual) ...
until I spend my 35jt for more ...
buy CIGAR CRICKET (complete)
35pcs x 600rb = 21 jt
mebeli offerings (complete):
cone-shaped rice
fruit, incense, flowers etc.
14jt for more ...

caretaker (CHEAT KU)
a / n: Ading 36thn (CON)
Residential address >>>>
wife (MUDA) to 2 children 4 (3 girls 1 boy)
Village sidarja
kampong Cisalak
block Pahing
Ciawi subdistrict gebang
brass district (Java)
Home a / n: Ading 36thn (CON)
who claimed caretaker ..
behind a country elementary school
down the football field
sidaraja brass

I held a fund Ritual goib
Friday (10-6-2016) until Sunday (12-6-2016)
at the shrine and sacred wells
in the village pagundan
village hamlet kliwon (BRASS)
during 3x ... (3 days complete offerings)
precise ritual reply to three days a week,
caretaker FAKE
a / n: Ading 36thn (CON)
said in a shrine, said the money funds goib, will be in between directly by the ghost of a shrine
village pagundan
village hamlet kliwon (brass)
precisely 1 pm in the House I
tggu at the 5th bridge near my house

after performing a ritual that ke3x ..
(Complete offerings of all 1x-3x)
ku directly rushed back Home
and I came to a bridge that 5th
Sunday pkl 11 nights ...
I wait, while reading a mantra to call the spirits of the shrine
I read a spell until pkl 3am (Sunday 12-6-2016)
shrine spirits never comes / come ...
caretaker FAKE
a / n: Ading 36 yrs (CON)
My phone and sms caretaker false
not in the lift and did not reply to my sms at all (I tricked) ..

caution my brother
do not easily believe, what else is new known and admitted caretaker, psychic, healer, etc.
That is all and thank you

antecedent stayed home address and occupied >>>>
caretaker (FALSE)
a / n: Ading 36 yrs (CON)
wife (MUDA) to 2 mempuyai
4 children (girls 3 Guys 1)
village sidarja
kampong Cisalak
village Pahing
Ciawi subdistrict gebang
brass district (Java)
behind SD Negri


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