Red chili is one of the most attractive agricultural commodities. At certain moments, the price could go up manifold. At other moments can go down to worthless. This makes the cultivation of red peppers is a challenge for farmers.
Besides fluktiasi price, chilli cultivation is quite vulnerable to weather conditions and pests. To minimize all of these risks, the cost for chili cultivation can be quite high.
On this occasion, alamtani try to explain the steps that must be prepared for the cultivation of red peppers, especially the kind Capsicum annum L. These plants come from the Americas tropical and subtropical. From here spread to many other hemisphere.
The climatic condition in Indonesia is suitable for chili cultivation where the sun shines full. This plant can grow well in lowlands up to an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level. In the highlands, chili can still grow but production was not optimal.
The optimal temperature for the growth of red pepper, between 24-28 degrees Celsius. At temperatures that are too cold below 15 or heat above 32 growth will be disturbed. Chilies can grow in dry season irrigation of origin to get enough. Rainfall desired ranges from 800-2000 mm per year with 80% humidity.
Selection of red chilli seeds
Society recognizes two kinds of chili, namely red chili and red chili curly. Differences in the two kinds of peppers can be seen from the shape and texture of the skin. To learn more, please see the article by knowing the types of chili peppers.
Of the two types, there are dozens or even hundreds of varieties, from the local to the hybrid. Each variety has its own peculiarities grow. To select which type to be cultivated, should select the most suitable varieties with chili cultivation locations respectively.
Seeds for chili cultivation can be obtained in two ways, which is to buy in the store or germinate the seed itself. Hybrid chilli seeds should be purchased from a reliable seed industry to implement modern breeding technologies. While the local chilli seeds can be obtained from a fellow farmer or select their own from the previous harvest.
Seeding and nursery
Seeding for chilli cultivation preferably using poly (either plastic or leaves). Why is that, because the type of hybrid chilli seeds moreover very expensive. When sowing with sowing, it is feared many seeds that grow coincide so that not all plants can be used.
Prepare a mixture of soil, rice husk and compost or manure in the ratio 2: 1: 1. Or, if there is no use of husk charcoal soil and compost in the ratio 1: 1. Before being mixed, the media is so finely sifted. For more details, please read how to create a media hotbed.
We recommend creating shade for a place seeding to avoid the scorching sun and rain. If there is a charge, it helps protect the place seeding with protective nets or insect pests. Arrange the filled media polybag seedlings in the shade.
Soak chili seeds in warm water for about 3 hours. Do not use beans that float. Enter each chili seeds into polybag 0.5 cm deep and cover with fine compost. Lightly dampen a growing media so that the humidity up.
Flush polybag nursery every morning and evening. How to water is a closed surface with newspaper polybag then flush to wet. Open the newspaper after the seeds to grow approximately 3 around today.
Furthermore flush regularly and monitor their growth. Red pepper seedlings ready to be transplanted after 21-24 days after seedling or grow 3-4 leaves. Exaggerating 10% of the grains. For example, for one hectare of land it takes about 14,000 seedlings of red pepper, then 10 percent for action exaggerating crop replanting.
The land required for the cultivation of red pepper is the loose soil and have a good porosotas. Before the red pepper hoe or plow land planted 20-40 cm deep. Clean up of rock or gravel and remnants of plant roots. If too many weeds and worry could disrupt the use of herbicides.
Make the beds with a width of one meter height of 30-40 cm and the distance between beds of 60 cm. Long seedbed adapted to land conditions, to facilitate the maintenance of a maximum length of 15 meter embankment. Create good drainage channels for red chilli plants are not resistant to waterlogging.
Red chilli cultivation requires soil that has a pH level of soil acidity 6-7. If the value is too low (acidic), red pepper plant leaves will look pale and susceptible to the virus. Acidic soil is usually easy overgrown with weeds. To neutralize it could use agricultural lime or dolomite as much as 2-4 tonnes / ha. Of lime or dolomite is done at the time of the hijacking and a raised bed.
Combine organic fertilizer, can be compost or manure on each seedbed evenly. The need organic fertilizer for the cultivation of red pepper is 20 tonnes per hectare. In addition to organic fertilizer also add urea 350 kg / ha and KCl 200kg / ha.
Tillage cultivation of chili
Preparation of land for cultivation of chili with mulch application platik. (Photo: alamtani)
For intensive chilli cultivation should, beds covered with black plastic mulch silver. The use of plastic mulch has a consequence costs but bring a number of benefits. Beneficial mulch to retain moisture, minimize erosion, control weeds and maintain the cleanliness of the garden.
Make the planting hole as much as two lines in each of the beds with a distance of 60-70 cm. Planting hole should be made zig zag, not parallel. It is useful to set up wind circulation and sunlight penetration. The diameter and depth of the planting hole is approximately 10 cm, or adapted to the size polybag seedlings.
Planting seeds of red pepper
Transplanting seedlings of red pepper nursery area carried out after about 3 weeks of age seeds or seedlings have 3-4 leaves permanent. Planting should be done in the morning and late afternoon to avoid stress. Try planting carried out simultaneously in a single day.
How to plant is to open or tearing polybag seedlings. Then insert the red pepper and its seeds cropping media into the planting hole. Keep the seedling media not to split. Then flush the plant sufficiently to retain moisture.
General guidance red chilli cultivation
Maintenance and care
Watering is needed during the dry season, how can the hype or the inundation. Be careful when watering while the plant is not too strong. Inundation can be done every two weeks.
Check the plants in the first week or two to do the stitching plant. If there are plants that die or abnormal growth immediately unplug and replace them with new seedlings.
On chilli cultivation requires installation of the marker (bamboo stick) to support the plants stand upright. Plug mnimal marker with a distance of 4 cm from the base of the stem. Marker installation should be performed on the 7th day since the seedlings are transferred. If the plant is too big concern now plugged marker will injure the roots. When the injured roots plant will be susceptible to disease. Fastening plant at stake done after the plants grow tall or over the age of one month.
Perempelan or buds cutting was done after 3 weeks for chilli cultivation in lowlands and 1 month to plateau. Cut the sprouts in the armpit leaves with clean hands. Perempelan is done until it forms a main branch, characterized by the emergence of the first or second rate.
Supplementary fertilization is done every two weeks or at least 8 times until the last harvest. Supplementary fertilization is done by pengocoran fertilizer in each hole. Fertilization The most practical is to use a liquid organic fertilizer. Pour 100 ml diluted solution of fertilizer on each plant. NPK can also be added to the mixture.
Weeding is done when necessary. Pest and disease control in the cultivation of chili is quite vital. Many cases have failed because the cultivation of pests and diseases. For more details, please read pengendalihan chilli plant pests and diseases.
Harvesting chilli cultivation
Red chilli cultivation began to be harvested after the age of 75-85 days after planting. The process of harvesting is done in a couple of times, depending on the variety, cultivation techniques and land conditions.
Harvesting can be done every 2-5 days, adapted to the market conditions and the ripeness of the fruit. Chili fruit should be picked once the stem to extend the shelf life. The fruit is picked is orange to red. Perform picking in the morning.
Productivity red chilli cultivation usually reach 10-14 tonnes per hectare, depending on the varieties and cultivation techniques. At optimal cultivation, potential can reach up to 20 tons per hectare.
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