Sunday, October 2, 2016

sixth sense

Sixth sense acts as the senses to capture information about the world around that can not be obtained with ordinary senses. In English, the sixth sense, known as the sixth sense. As for the technical term parapsychology, the sixth sense, known as extra sensory perception or ESP abbreviated. [1]

Normally, humans have five senses, the senses of sight (eyes), tactile (skin), sense of smell (nose), the sense of taste (tongue) and auditory (ear). All five are often referred to as the five senses. In everyday life, the five senses play a role in getting information about the world around.

Beyond the five senses, many people believe in the existence of a sixth sense. People are considered to have a sixth sense if it is able to see things that can not be seen, heard or felt by others. For example being able to see ghosts or conversing with ghosts. Likewise, people who could predict future events.

Here are some "image" sensing results for their sixth sense (the result of the experience of some people).

One can see the beam bioelektromagnetik of a person's body (this is called "aura") in certain colors and color combinations.
Someone who can do the treatment psi can see someone in the x-ray image such as black and white. Normal and diseased white dark (black).
A person can feel a piece of metal or nonmetal to feel a vibration or, feeling like a needle stuck in his palm.
A person can hear someone speak clearly when that person is in place far away.
One can see the shadow or the image of "spirits".
Someone blindfolded but he was able to recognize the road and do not hit stuff in front of him (as if he would like not blindfolded)

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