Wednesday, October 12, 2016

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Recent Kompasianival Rubric Headline Event Log OPTIONS Options Topic City of San Francisco and its Indonesian People July 31, 2015 05:11:41 Updated: August 12, 2015 04:18:53 Read: 2,405 Comments: 0 Score: 4 City of San Francisco and its Indonesian People CITY SAN FRANCISCO & PEOPLE Indonesian San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in the state of California and ranked 12th in the United States. Total population in 2009 is estimated at 815 000 inhabitants. Size Square San Francisco 46.7 miles (121 km) and a population density of 17 323 inhabitants / mi. Sann Francisco city is also a major city of more than 200,000 people to the two most populous in the state of California. Today, San Francisco is a city famous international tourist destination mainly because of the cold summer fog, steep hills, a mixture of Victorian architecture and modern architecture, and a variety of famous landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge, the city trasport system, and Chinatown. The city is also a center for banking and finance major, and home to exceed 30 international financial institutions that helped put San Francisco on the level of the 18th in a list of cities the top manufacturers of the world, 9th in the United States, and the 15th in the list 20 best financial center in the world. In this city also is the center of LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender; and if you follow the tour, there is a special event that brings you to their area which is on the way Castro San Francisco. In the city of San Francisco you can find a variety of Indonesian community, from the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in San Francisco, the community Dharma Wanita, the church community, the Muslim community and the Association of Friends of Indonesia (PSI) as well as a variety of local organizations from both the Batak and Manado (BOSAMI ) as well as student organizations Permias Indonesia. You will also find several restaurants Indonesia and a number of supermarkets selling food typical of Indonesia. In San Francisco there is also Indonesian media in the form of a magazine called Tell circulated in almost every region of the state of California. Consulate SAN FRANCISCO In the education we can also find a variety of existing Collage and the University of Indonesian children. One of the private Christian school that consists of pre-school level to high school level the Cornerstone Academy ( and the Evangelical Church Cornerstone Baptist Church ( which has established 40 years are right in the city of San Francisco. CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH Evangelical SAN FRANCISCO, REV. DR Chanson LAU, FOUNDER since 1985 Cornerstone Schools also receive the following high school students to provide shelter (dormitory) from various countries. In this school also organized a traning program for students in the short term (two weeks) and providing shelter for meraka. During this time students from China, Hong Kong, Singapore has often worked closely with the school. Precisely in this place has been going on for three years pioneering the Lord speak Indonesian Indonesian Evangelical Church Cornerstone Baptist, San Francisco, the address 501 Cambridge St, San Francisco. Therefore, if you or your child or school visit in San Francisco and the Bay Area around, no need to feel awkward and foreign, karean in this place you may meet friends from Indonesia. Cornerstone Church in Indonesian language was pioneered by Ps. Saumiman Saud and Ev. Susan Cang, two of them are alumni of Southeast Asia Bible Seminary (TIME), Malang While the website Cornerstone church in Indonesian language is or contact via email to get more info. CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH Evangelical SAN FRANCISCO, 501 CAMBRIDGE ST, SAN FRANCISCO. If you are the first time to San Francisco, then we inform you that San Francisco Intl quite close to the city of San Francisco, approximately 15-20 minutes. Public transport commonly used a kind of train that here we call Barth (Bay Area Rapid Transit), then there Muni Bus, Taxi and more recently such famous kenderaaan UBER and similar that can be contacted via smart phone. Around the area we call the San Francisco Bay Area that there are also several Collage and universtitas considerable Indonesian children. In the city of San Jose called Silicon Valley, for example where Google, Yahoo, Apple, etc., in this area there is also a DeAnza and Foot Hill College, in the city Plesent Hill No school Diablo Valley College (DVC), in San Francisco there are Academy Of Art is. While there are university was the University of California Berkeley, Stanford University, San Francisco State University and several other universities. San Francisco also has recreation areas commonly dikunjung by tourists starters, among others, the Golden Gate Bridge there we can take pictures, Twin Peak peak to see the city of San Francisco, Pier 39 at the dock we can shop for food souvenirs and also up ship heading to Alcatraz prison yore. Then we also should visit Lombart Street, a road which is designed as a bend snake, China Town, Down Town, California Academic of Science and a number of historic buildings and the Museum of antique models. If you enjoy the beach also can go to the Pacific Beach or Half moon bay. PIER 39 ALCATRAZ Lombart ST Indonesian Community in San Francisco consists of various kinds, families already established here, they are still paperwork legality, students and the number of employees and a young couple who work here. When the riots in Jakarta in 1998 there are many Indonesian people are immigrants to the USA, including in the city of San Francisco, then they get asylum from the government here to obtain Permanent Resident allowed to work and live well. Indonesia's population lives in San Francisco also consists of various kinds so that their work also compound. If they do not take school here most of their initial work in the restaurant, the driver, cleanliness, and household chores. If those schools and graduated here mostly work in offices, computer IT and one or two of their own a business. In the Bay Area alone is no computer company owned by Indonesia were quite large and recruit some Indonesian people working in the company. At the same time there was an Indonesian who opened the business of production Sushi Japanese food is big enough so that recruited many Indonesian people work in his company. So little insight and overview should we describe about San Francisco, hopefully a bit of information was a benefit for you, longing and prayer writer that someday you may wish to visit this legendary city. This article is actually far from complete, only briefly; if between you are more experienced and have more info, please write lenih added and complete; so we all got the info richer. Greeting us in San Francisco, 3rd Anniversary Event Cornerstone Speak Indonesia Aug 9, 2015, at 2 pm, 501 Cambridge St San Francisco CLICK Saumiman Saumiman Saud Saud / VERIFIED saumiman Graffiti in twilight overseas More ... FOLLOW Share Share 0 0 kompasiana MEDIA ARE RESIDENTS, ANY CONTENT AND BEING MADE BY THE AUTHOR OF LIABILITY. 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Monday, October 10, 2016

oi Islam as your religion ...."

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Understanding Islam
August 25, 2015admin
understanding islam

Understanding Islam. Islam is the only religion that was revealed and prescribed Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the only religion that is recognized and accepted Him. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will not accept any religion other kind, from anyone, anywhere and through any time.

"Indeed, religion (the blessed) with Allah is Islam" (QS.Ali-Imran: 19)

Islam means submission to God with faith and tawheed in Him and follow Islamic law brought by the rosulNya.

Shaykh Muhammad al-Islam Tamīmiy added significance this principle into three things, he put the Tawhid, ta`at and barā`ah of polytheism, in which he said:

(الإسلام هو الاستسلام لله بالتوحيد و الانقياد له بالطاعة و البراءة من الشرك)

"Islam is submission to God in monotheism, submissive and obedient to Him with keta`atan and free yourself (bara`ah) of shirk"

To worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and to achieve keridoan Him, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala only lose one religion to His servants, from the beginning of the creation of man until the Day of Resurrection later, namely Islam. All the prophets, from Adam 'alayhis salam to the Prophet of Allaah' alayhi wa sallam, only carry and propagation of Islam. That sirotulmustaqim.

The essence of Islam is "total surrender to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, His Oneness, glorifies Him and love Him by following His revelation and law". The nature of things as taught by Islam will never change, since Adam 'alayhis salam to the Prophet of Allaah' alayhi wa sallam, and till doomsday. The Shari'a derived Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the way of worship, places of worship as well as the rules and levels of society, even the law of halal and haram, they can vary from one to the other apostles. Therefore, although different in some parts of the law in detail or details (the majority of global Shari'ah same), but the aqidah of the prophets and their teachings are the same, namely Islam.

Moses' alayhis salam is the prophet of Islam, Muslims and preach Islam and his followers are the people of Islam, not Judaism.

While Judaism is a religion of vanity embraced by people who menyelisihi teachings brought by Prophet Moses' alayhis salam.

وقال موسى يا قوم إن كنتم آمنتم بالله فعليه توكلوا إن كنتم مسلمين

"Moses Say: 'O people, if you believe in Allah, then put your trust in Him, if you really Muslims (Muslims)." (Qur'an, Yunus [10]: 84)

Similarly, Jesus' alayhis salam, and his faithful followers, they are Muslims while the penyelisihnya called Christians with their religion (Christianity), they are the polytheists.

فلما أحس عيسى منهم الكفر قال من أنصاري إلى الله قال الحواريون نحن أنصار الله آمنا بالله واشهد بأنا مسلمون

"And when Jesus knew their rebellion (Bani Israelites), he said: 'Who is ready to be a helper-helper to (establish the religion of) Allah?', The hawariyin (companions faithful) replied: 'We are the helpers (religion) Allah, we believe in Allah; and bear witness that indeed we are Muslims. "(QS. Ali 'Imron [3]: 52)

وإذ أوحيت إلى الحواريين أن آمنوا بي وبرسولي قالوا آمنا واشهد بأننا مسلمون

"And (remember) when I inspired the faithful followers of Jesus: 'Believe ye in me, and to my Prophet'. They replied: 'We believe and bear witness (O Prophet) that indeed we are the people of Islam (the Muslim). "(Qur'an, al-Ma'idah [5]: 111)

At the same time, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reject all religion other than Islam, although aimed at or intended to obtain his keridoan.

ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين

"Whoever adheres to a religion other than Islam, it occasionally will not be accepted (the religion) thereof, and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose." (QS. Ali-'Imron [3]: 85)

 اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دينا

"... This day have Ku-perfected for you your religion and have chosen for both ends meet My favor to you, and have chosen for ridoi Islam as your religion ...." (Qur'an, al-Ma'idah [5]: 3)

Thus the article about the understanding of Islam, hopefully this article adds to our faith all, Aamiin. Please also read our other article here: Opening Prayer Rezeki.
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red in 2015 ago. Actress Kim Hee Ae who had played in the first series refused to play back at Mrs. Cop 2, and was replaced by actress Kim Sung Ryoung but with different characters. Until now there has been no official info who will

List of Recent Korean Drama 2016 Complete Mandatory Views
Film Synopsis Korea set Latest Most Update

24 Latest Korean Drama 2016 Release and Short SynopsisWednesday, September 28, 2016The latest Korean drama series in 2016 again heating up, the article will present some of the latest movies in various genres and played by top Korean artists. For you lovers of Korean drama shall note the following is a list of the latest to be released this year. No half-hearted there are 24 new drama series and will likely continue to grow until the end of the year. Rather than just curious here is a complete list of the latest serial korea 2016 shall you watch.1. arbitrarily FondGood news for lovers of Korean dramas, especially the pengemar Kim Woo Bin and Bae Suzy. Because both of them was asked to be the main actor in a drama series Fond arbitrarily or also known by the name of Fond uncontrollably. Party KBS2 drama broadcasters such as leaking brief synopsis Fond arbitrarily in order to raise the audience's interest. The first drama filming began on November 26, 2015 by taking location at Kyungnam University, Changwon, Gyeongsangnam Province, South Korea. This drama brings genre of Romance and melodrama with a total of 20 episodes.
Players arbitrarily Fond
Fond arbitrarily drama tells the story of 2 children namely Shin Joon-Young (Kim Woo-Bin) and No Eul (Bae Suzy) who dipasahkan forcibly when they are young. Until a few years later the two met again where Shin Joon-Young has been a well-known actor and singer arrives handsome and intelligent, while No. Eul works as a documentary film producer. That synopsis arbitrarily Fond submitted by the KBS2. How to travel stories Shin Joon-Young and No Eul next? Why they are separated as a child? Whether they can be reunited? Please tune in to your favorite TV station.2. Dear My FriendGood news for the Korean drama's fans come from the entertainment industry in the country of ginseng. Because the Korean entertainment industry has prepared a variety of drama that will be released throughout 2016. One of the most awaited is the Korean drama serial titled "Dear My Friend". Dear My Friend is a Korean drama is scheduled to be released in May. This drama starring famous actors namely 3 Zo In-Sung, Lee Kwang-Soo, and Sung Dong-Il. Until now there has been no clear information on the total overall episode of the drama. Party tvN drama broadcasters as it gives a little glimpse of the synopsis Dear My Friend to give a general overview on the audience.
my dear friends synopsis
Korean drama Dear My Friend carrying gendre about friendship as well as the lives of the real world. The drama is a portrait of friendship without knowing the age difference between the younger and older people. That synopsis Dear My Friend delivered by the tvN. How the story of the friendship of the characters? The ups and downs experienced anything? Watch this play on your favorite television station.3. Descendants of The SunK Drama or also known as the Korean drama is interesting to watch because of the story that is unique and interesting, so always awaited by the fans as a courtesy. In 2016, the Korean entertainment industry has set up some drama ditayangakan one Descendants of The Sun. Descendants of the Sun will be aired on KBS2 television station in February 2016, has a total of 16 episodes and brought the genre of romance. Party KBS2 drama broadcasters such as leaking synopsis Descendants of The Sun briefly in order to raise the audience's interest.
Brief Synopsis Descendants of The Sun
Drama Descendants of The Sun tells the love story between the two captain Yoo Shi-Jin (Song Joong Ki) which is the UN peacekeeping forces with a beautiful doctor named Kang Mo Yun (Song Hye Kyo). The love story began when they were both placed by the United Nations in the capital of other countries that are in a disaster. That synopsis Descendants of The Sun submitted by the KBS2. How did they struggle in the disaster areas to save people? What kind of love story between Yoo Shi-Jin and Kang Yun Mo? Please tune in to your favorite TV station.4. Female Gangster Hye JungGood news for lovers of Korean drama's fans especially beautiful actress Park Shin Hye who have the ability aktng nice. Park Shin Hye was asked to be the main actor in a drama series Female Gangster Hye Jung. Parties television station broadcaster SBS drama as it gives an overview synopsis Female Gangster Hye Jung briefly in order to raise the audience's interest. Drama brings the genre of crime, comedy, and action by the total number of episodes has not been confirmed by the organizers. The plan Female Korean drama Gangster Hye Jung mid-2016 will be aired every Monday and Tuesday at 21:55 local time.
Female Gangster Hye Jung
Female Gangster Hye Jung drama tells the story of a woman streets or gangster named Hye Jung. Hye Jung had a difficult life journey and brought up by thugs until Hye Jung became a gangster. However, Hye Jung has the spirit of learning and to cope with difficult situations, he now became a doctor. That synopsis Female Gangster Hye Jung delivered by the SBS. How severity Hye Jung's life as a young man? Watch the full story on your favorite television station.5. Five ChildrenGood news for lovers of Korean dramas, especially the pengemar Lee Sang Tae and Mi Jung An. Because both of them was asked to be the main actor in the Korean drama series Five Children or also known by the name of Five Enough. Party KBS2 drama as television broadcasters to provide a synopsis of the Five Children briefly in order to raise the audience's interest. This drama brings gendre Romance with a total of 50 episodes. The plan Five Children Korean drama will be aired in February 2016 every Saturday and Sunday at 19:55 local time.
Korean drama Five Children
In contrast to the story of the drama in general, which carries a love story 2 young man. Five Children In Korean drama tells the story of two people single parent between widowers and widows. The drama began when a widower named Lee Sang Tae (Ahn Jae Wook) and a single mother So Yoo Jin (Ahn Mi Jung) meet and fall in love. The story focuses on how the story of the two men along with her five children. That synopsis Five Children submitted by the KBS2. What kind of love story between Lee Sang Tae second with So Yoo Jin until finally they fall in love? And how the lives of two characters together with her five children? Watch their story next on your favorite television station.6. God of NoodlesPreviously had quite a lot of Korean dramas that the story of the food such as pasta, My Little Chef, King of Baking Kim Ta Goo, Oh My Ghost, Lets Eat, and much more. In the near future a Korean drama which also tells the story of the food will be available soon on the screen. The drama is titled God of Noodles, from the title alone is predictable that this drama will tell you about the noodles. In order not curious, here is a brief review of Noodles synopsis God.
synopsis God of Noodles
God of Noodles is the latest Korean drama adapted from a manhwa called Guksuii Sin written by Park In Kwon. Park In Kwon is not new in the world of manhwa, previously had a lot of work that has been adopted into Korean dramas such as War of Money, Daemul, and Yawang. The drama, which was adopted on the manhwa tells the story of a man who is expert in making noodles. He made noodles for revenge on the teacher, but it is not known why he wants revenge. God of Noodles will soon be airing in April 2016 and is scheduled to air on Wednesdays and Thursdays on KBS replace Descendants of the Sun, starring Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo.7. Goodbye Mr. BlackThe latest Korean drama Goodbye Mr. Black was adapted from a comic entitled "Gootbai Miseuteo Beullaek" by Hwang Mi-Na first diterbit in 1983. This drama was filmed by renowned director Lee Chang Min who previously had success with Korean drama Remember. Goodbye Mr. Black starring the handsome actor Lee Jin-Wook and a top actress Moon Chae Woon who ever played in the drama Good Doctor. For more details, please refer to the synopsis Goodbye Mr. Black more.
The latest Korean drama Goodbye Mr. Black
Goodbye Mr. Black tells the story of a naval officer named Cha Ji-Won is known as Mr. Black, played by Lee Jin-Wook. Cha Ji-Won is an authoritative and decisive, but he was betrayed by his own even labeled as traitors. Although it had been betrayed, he finally continued his life and married a woman named Swan, played by Moon Chae Woon. The wedding was done to cover up his real identity. At first he considered the marriage was just a fake marriage, but in the end he began to fall in love with the Swan and regain Belief in others. The drama is set to be aired on MBC in March 2016 on Wednesday and Thursday. Penarasaran the full story? Stay tuned and watch Korean dramas aired Goodbye Mr. Black on the screen.8. Happy HomeIn the month of February is a lot of new Korean drama titles that will soon appear. One of them is the Korean drama called Happy Home. This drama hook Kim So-yeon, Lee Pil Mo, Kim Young-Chul and a couple of other actors as the main actor. Happy Home directed by Lee Dong-Yoon and the storyline was written by Jo Eun-Jung. Lee Sang-Woo, director Lee Dong-Yoon and Eun-Jung Jo author previously worked together in 2012 in the MBC drama Feast of the Gods. The players have done a script reading premiered on January 17, 2016 MBC Dream Center in Ilsan City, South Korea. Told me about whether this drama? Review and synopsis of Happy Home will be discussed in this article.
Korean drama happy home
Korean drama about the life of Happy Home keluaga Bong. Bong-bong Sam, played by Kim Young-Chul runs a Chinese restaurant in Korea named Gahwamansasung. The restaurant is a family restaurant that has been passed down from generation to generation. Kim So-Yeon will play the wife of Lee Pil Mo in this drama. Rencanya drama series Happy Home will air on MBC television channel on February 27, 2016 20:40 pm Korean time replacing the drama Mom. Do not miss the views drama genre is romantic and family at the end of February.9. Rang: The BegininningAfter the success of her role in the drama series korea She was Pretty, name actor Park Seo June immediately skyrocketed and popular. This handsome actor is now ready with a new drama project. More recently, Park Seo June reportedly has received offers to star in drama titled Rang: The Beginning which brought the genre saeguk. This time he will be paired with canti actress Go Ara, besides Hyungsik ZE: A will also participate in this drama. The musical is directed by Yun Seong-Sik, while the plot is written by Park Eun-Young. Like what Rang Synopsis: The Beginning? The following brief synopsis.
The synopsis Hwarang Begininning
Hwarang Korean Drama: The Beginning is about Flowering Knight or a group of elite young men in the kingdom of Silla. A group of young pajurit in Silla highly educated and elite called Hwarang which means handsome young man. Park Seo Jun is acting as a young man who became a legendary Hwarang warriors. Meanwhile, Park Hyung Sik will play as the king Jinheung, who led the Silla kingdom since the age of 15 years from 540-576 during the period of the three kingdoms. While Go Ara role as a woman who is loved by both of them. The characters in this drama is a young woman who is cheerful and strong. The drama will be appointed to the screen in July 2016 at KBS. Korean drama lovers must be patient looking forward to this drama that the broadcast is still in the mid-2016's.10. 2016 JackpotKorean drama lovers certainly have long waited comeback actor Jang Keun-Seuk in a drama. The actor who soared through drama He is beautiful is indeed quite a long hiatus, but do not worry because in the near future Jang Keun-Seuk will play in the play called Jackpot. Jang Keun-Seuk addition, other actors will also be involved in this drama is Yeo Jin-Goo. While the actress Lim Ji Yeon got an offer to be the leading lady in this drama, but he is still considering it. In addition to a good and interesting story, this drama also starring Korean actors and actresses on board as mentioned above. Go see the synopsis of Korean drama Jackpot.
The latest Korean drama jackpot
Korean Drama Jackpot or "Daebak" tells about Dae-Gil, played by Jang Keun-Seuk and king Yeongjo played by Yeo Jin-Goo located in a match. Dae-Gil staked his whole life, while the king Yeongjo staked the whole kingdom Joseon. Dae-Gil was the best gambler in the Joseon era. He harbored a bitter hatred, but it looks cool from the outside. While the king Yeongjo are people who never lowered his head. The drama, which has 24 episodes will be aired on March 28 until June 14, 2016 on Monday and Tuesday at 22:00 Korea time on SBS.11. K-Drama Serial Jealousy IncarnateThe latest drama to be aired by the TV station KBS2 titled Jealousy Envy Incarnate or Incarnation of which will be starring top Korean actress Gong Hyo Jin who has starred in many Korean dramas like Pasta and Master Sun. In the latest drama serial Gong Hyo Jin will act as tellers cuaca.Untuk male lead actor, starring actor Oh My Ghost is a handsome young actor Jo Jung Suk.Hingga this article was written, there has been no accurate confirmation of a director and writer as well as the number of episode in this drama. The following is a synopsis Jealousy can be listened to directly Incarnate.
Jealousy Incarnate Indonesian Synopsis
Jealousy Korean drama about a broadcaster Incarnate smart and handsome also named Lee Hwa Shin, played by Jo Jung Suk. Although still a beginner, he was always mendapan excellent information and can also be called the Perfect Human. While Pyo Na Ri, played by Gong Hyo Jin is an innocent girl who can not resist and say no to anyone who asked for help or something. He has the ability to predict the weather but always hopelessly in search of love. Are they both will be reunited by love? Watch the broadcast which will soon appear. Romantic comedy genre drama will be aired in July 2016 in KBS2 TV station.12. Marriage ContractKorean Drama Marriage contract is the latest Korean drama series that will soon appear. Carrying a story of sacrifice and love of a mother, this drama directed by Kim Jin-Min and the storyline was written by Jung Yoo-Gyung. There is no definite information about who will be starring in this drama. However, based on existing information, the production has contacted the actor Lee Seo-Jin, but the actor has not confirmed and is still considering the offer. This article will discuss the synopsis Marriage Contract, go see full synopsis.
marriage contract synopsis Indonesia
Korean Drama Marriage contract about a mother struggling to raise her son alone, because her husband had died. But the mother had a brain tumor and realized her life was no longer. He did not want his daughter displaced and suffering, so he tried to find a father who would be able to maintain his daughter when he died. He tried in various ways to make her daughter happy, to be willing to enter into a contract being the wife of someone with a predetermined time. Korean drama series aired Marriage contract is scheduled to begin in February 2016 every Saturday and Sunday at 21:45 in the MBS channel. It will replace the drama drama My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol. For lovers of Korean drama, do not miss the drama with an interesting storyline this.13. Moon Lovers Re-makeA row of handsome actors like Lee Jun Ki and Kang Ha Neul has been confirmed to be starring in the latest Korean drama titled Moon Lovers or Scarlet Heart: Ryeo. And the good news for fans of EXO, because SM Entertainment has confirmed the Exo Baekhyun involvement in this drama. More recently, media mengungkan that Hwang Jung Eum and Hong Jong Hyun received an offer to play in this dram. Moon Lovers will be directed by Kim Tae Gyu, who has successfully directed drama The Winter That Winter Blows, and It's Okay That's Love. The story was adapted from Chinese serial titled Scarlet Heart. Here's a synopsis Moon Lovers fuller.
Moon Lovers Re-make Indo Synopsis
Moon Lovers drama tells the story of an imperial heir named Wang Soo, played by Lee Joon-Gi, but he does not like the spotlight excessive and does not want to reveal his true identity. Wang Soo was born with a cold personality but still has a high royaliti. Meanwhile there was a woman named Jang Hyo sudden entry into the journey back to historic times in the past. Moon Lovers drama will be produced as many as 35 episodes and aired in September 2016 on SBS. With a unique storyline and a row of handsome actors involved, history and fantasy-themed drama is indeed mandatory anticipated.14. Mrs. Cop 2SBS will again deliver the latest drama titled Mrs. Cop 2 in March. Drama Mrs. Cop 2 is the sequel of the series Mrs. Cop ever ai be the director and screenwriter of this drama. For other artists who will star in this drama is also no official information to date. Go see the synopsis Mrs. Cop 2 for more details.
Mrs. Cop 2 Complete Synopsis
Mrs. Cop 2 detekstif still tells of a woman who is a leader in a team at the police department. This drama sequel continues the story in the first sequel, after Choi Young Jin who first played by Kim Hee Ae take time off from work, Koo Yoon-Jung block, played by Kim Sung Ryoung became head of a new detective. He has just returned to South Korea after training with the FBI in the United States. Drama Mrs. Cop 2 will be aired on SBS began March 5, 2016 every Saturday and Sunday at 22:00 Korea time, replacing the drama I Have a Lover.15. My little BabyThe latest Korean drama series that will be aired on MBC is My Little Baby also called How Did Dad. Drama genre of family drama starring senior actor Oh Ji-Ho, who last year played in the drama Cheo Yong 2. Just like his role in the drama series Cheo Yong, at the latest drama this time also it will act as a detective. Besides the beautiful actress Lee Soo-kyung will play against Oh Ji-Ho. Other stars who will be involved in this drama is the young actor Kim Min-jae and member girl group 4Minute, beautiful young actress Nam Ji Hyun. More info about this drama, can be listened to My little Baby synopsis follows.
My little Baby Drama Korea
Drama My Little Baby tells the story of a detective and a special investigation team named Cha Jung Han, played by Oh Ji Ho. Cha Jung Han in their everyday investigate criminal cases. But he had to care for and raise her nephew Eun Ae. Meanwhile Han Ye Seul, played by Lee Soo-kyung is the first love Cha Jung Han. She is a single mother raising children alone until the age of 5 years. Will their love blossomed again? To find out the full story, watch My Little Baby in March 2016 which will be aired on MBC.16. My Mind's Flower RainOne of the latest Korean drama to be aired on KBS2 television stations this time titled My Mind's Flower Rain. Until now, in no confirmation on who will play in this drama, as well as director and scriptwriter is not yet known. Based on the news there, the young actress and a member of girl group Na Hae Ryeong bestie has offered to play in this drama. But there is no accurate information about the truth of the news. Little information is obtained regarding this drama. And there is no official information about the synopsis of My Mind's Flower Rain until the article is written.
Synopsis My Mind's Flower Rain
Although there is no picture of how the storyline plays My Mind's Flower Rain, but this has been ascertained drama will begin airing on February 15, 2016. Penayanganya every Monday to Friday at 09:00 Korea time. Drama My Mind's Flower Rain will replace aired drama The Stars are Shinin that are still running. Number of the episode itself is quite a lot of 120 episodes. Korean drama lovers certainly made very curious about this drama. Want to know who will play in this drama and how the story? Stay tuned for the premiere of My Mind's Flower Rain in the near future on KBS2. For more information and full synopsis will be updated if it already exists.17. Neighborhood Deul Lawyer Jo HoKorean drama Neighborhood Deul Lawyer Jo Ho will begin airing on KBS2 in March 2016 Selasaa every Monday and 21:55 pm Korean time. The drama will replace Moorim School drama which is still running. Lawyer Neighborhood drama is lifted from a popular webcomic Haechoolring work entitled Dongnebyunhosa Jodeulho the first time in tebitkan through Naver site. No definite information of actors and actresses who will be involved in the cultivation of this drama. But based on the news that there is, senior actor Park Shin Yang and actress Kang So Ra has been offered to play in this drama, until now they are still considering the offer. Go see the synopsis Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Ho Deul more.
Neighborhood Deul Lawyer Jo Ho Synopsis
Korean drama Neighborhood Deul Lawyer Jo Ho, directed by Lee Jung Sub is the story of a man born to poor families Deul named Jo Ho. Karna tenacity eventually he can become a prosecutor who is honest and exemplary. But he could not remain silent about corruption in the workplace. Deul Jo Ho then report all acts of corruption to the police, but in fact he who lost everything. From then on he changed direction to become a lawyer. How did it come next? Do not forget to watch the drama Neighborhood Lawyer that will appear in 2016 in KBS2 Mare.18. Page TurnerSpecial drama KBS Page Turner is one of the new drama that will soon appear. The drama is of short duration only amounts to three episodes only. After Kim Soo Hyun was chosen as the female lead in the latest Korean drama Page Turner. Now turn Ji soo has also been confirmed to be the main opponent of Kim Soo Hyun. The drama gets a lot of attention because the story was written by Park Hye ryeon who successfully spawned successful dramas such as Dream High, I can Hear Your Voice, and Pinocchio. Like what Synopsis Page Turner? Here's the synopsis.
korean drama synopsis Page Turner
Drama Page Turner, Ji Soo role as an athlete named Jeo Cha Sik which is strong, brave and not afraid of anything, but always think short. Jeo Sik Cha is a high school student who had to give up on his dream to be an athlete because of an accident. While Kim So Hyun plays the character Yoon Yoo Seul, A high school student and also a talented pianist. Just like Jeo Cha Sik, Yoon Yoo Seul also suffered an accident and make him unable to play the piano again. They both have a different life, but reunited after experiencing an unexpected event. They were together to re-build a new life. Page Turner drama premieres this February in the channel KBS. Korean drama lovers must be wondering how the role of Kim Soo Hyun and Ji Soo in Page Turner, waiting for release.19. Pied PiperDo not want to miss with the other television stations, tvN also has a list of the new Korean drama that will soon appear with the title of the Pied Piper. The drama is the story about the law enforcement agencies is a result of cooperation director Kim Hong Sun and the script was written by Ryoo Jae Yong. Previously they both also worked together on the drama Liar Game in 2014 ago. Currently there is no definite confirmation regarding the list of artists who will play in the series pied piper. This drama starring Shin Ha Kyun senior actor and actress Jo Yoon Hee. Previous actor Cho Seung Woo ditwari to be the main actor in this drama, but he rejected it. Listen Pied Piper full synopsis below.
Pied Piper Full Synopsis Indonesia
Pied piper Korean drama revolves around a negotiating team that is in the police department. Police team usually handles criminal cases severe and dangerous, but the negotiating team tasked to solve the case without having to use force. The cases are commonly handled by this team are cases such as suicide attempts, penyandraan situation, and the situation of terror. Korean drama is planned that will be aired starting in March 2016 in tvN every Monday and Tuesday at 23:00 Korea time, replace the serial drama Cheese in the Trap. How does the rest of it? Look forward to its premiere.20. Please Come Back, MisterThe latest drama from the country South Korea is ready to present to entertain the pengemarnya across the country in 2016. On February 24, 2016 will be airing the new drama titled Please Come Back, Mister. Party SBS drama broadcasters such as leaking synopsis Please Come Back, Mister briefly in order to raise the audience's interest. Drama Please Come Back, Mister, played by actors and famous artists from south korea such as Rain, Oh Yeon Seo, Lee Min Jung, Kim In Kwon. This drama brings genre of comedy and melodrama with a total of 16 episodes which will be aired on Wednesday and Thursday at 21:55 local time.
Please Come Back, Mister
Drama Please Come Back, Mister adapted from the Japanese novel titled Tsubakiyama Kacho no Nanokakan works of Jiro Asada. This drama tells the story of a lady hardworking man named Kim Young Soo (Kim In Kwon) who died, but he returned to live in the world in the body of a handsome man named Lee Hae Jonn (Rain) within a certain time limit. That synopsis Please Come Back, Mister submitted by the SBS. How Kim Young Soo hang out with people who are not familiar? Watch the continuation of the story on your favorite television station.21. Saimdang, the HerstoryOne more drama titled Saimdang latest South Korea, the Herstory is ready to entertain the audience of K drama. Drama Saimdang, the Herstory scheduled to be released on 10 August 2016 with a total airtime of the episode and related parties have not been confirmed. The drama is also unknown gendre carried. Party SBS drama broadcasters such as leaking synopsis Saimdang, the Herstory briefly in order to raise the audience's interest. Drama Saimdang, the Herstory played by actors and famous artists from south korea such as Lee Young Ae, Song Seung Heon, Oh Yoon Ah, and Yun Da Hun.
Saimdang, the Herstory
Korean Drama Saimdang, the Herstory tells the story of a lady gifted art professor, played by Lee Young Ae. He found a diary dar historical figure named Shin Saimdang. Actor Lee Young Ae has two roles in this drama is a professor of art and Shin Saimdang. Professor of art history and then can unlock the secrets contained in the diary Shin Saimdang. That synopsis Saimdang, the Herstory submitted by the SBS. What is the secret in the diary Shin Saimdang successful dikuak by the professor of art and history? Watch the continuation of the story on your favorite television station.22. The Flower in PrisonGood news for the Korean drama's fans come from the entertainment industry in the country of ginseng. Because the Korean entertainment industry has prepared a variety of drama that will be released throughout 2016. One of the most awaited is the Korean drama serial titled "The Flower in Prison". The Flower in Prison is a Korean drama is scheduled to be released in March. This drama starring famous actors and actresses that Jin Se Yun Ok that act as Nyeo and Park Joo Mi as Jung Nan Jung. Drama The Flower in Prison will be aired on Saturday and Sunday at 21:45 local time with a total of 50 episodes. Party broadcasters MBC drama as it gives a little glimpse of the synopsis of The Flower in Prison in order to give a general overview on the audience.
The Flower in Prison
The Flower in the Korean drama Prison gendre brought about drama and romance. This drama tells the story of a girl named Ok Nyeo born in prison in the Joseon Dynasty era .. As adults Ok Nyeon help the people around him in the legal field. That synopsis The Flower in Prison submitted by the MBC. How the story of the ups and downs Ok Nyeon while helping people around him? Watch the continuation of this drama in your favorite television station.23. Vampire DetectiveK Drama or also known as the Korean drama is interesting to watch because of the story that is unique and interesting, so always awaited by the fans as a courtesy. In 2016, the Korean entertainment industry has set up some drama ditayangakan one Vampire Detective. Vampire Detective will be aired on television stations OCN on 27 March 2016 with a total gendre and unconfirmed episodes related partie
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If the cat is evidence Animal lover and beloved Worth





Febriyani FriscaFebriyani Frisca

June 26, 2015, 17:40 pm
Loans (2)

Cats are animals that fellow animal lover.
Cats are animals that fellow animal lover. (Via:, Jakarta's no secret if the cat is an animal, funny, and fun. The existence of this whiskered animal can be effective stress relievers. In addition, cats are affectionate animals. Not only for humans, but also for other animals, as was the case following the Irish cats. Cekidot!
# 1

Fact # 1 (Via:

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    The story of Nicholas, Puppies that His legs Eaten Parent Alone
    Meongers? This myriad of interesting facts about cats

Recommend, this is Della. He lived on a farm in Ireland, and he has had several children.
# 2

Fact # 2 (Via:

But not all of them. Although he was only a few hours of giving birth, she was gone to the newly hatched ducks. Her motherly instincts appeared, he took it and started taking care of the ducklings that.
# 3

Fact # 3 (Via:

If Della ducklings came several hours before or after birth, her hormones may not be in the same level and it will take them.
# 4

Fact # 4 (Via:

This is really menkajubkan see ducklings feeding of a cat, and the only one who could have thought that this was just an instinct of ducks. As he mendaptkan nutrients from an unusual source, and they learn from kittens.
# 5

Fact # 5 (Via:

When the ducklings grew up, the kitten began to behave like a duck than like a cat.
# 6

Fact # 6 (Via:

... And the mother has a lot of work to keep them in cages.
# 7

Fact # 7 (Via:

They do not have problems, and even though they grow faster than 'brothers', they remain faithful to follow the mother around the plantation.

Well, from the above story proved dong if the cat is an animal lover. And from the above story also shows that the cat is really worthy to be loved. Uuuuuw ...: 3

    Funny pictures
    Funny cat


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San Francisco, City of the Most Visited Travelers in America

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    Ted Lanphair

The Golden Gate Bridge against the background of San Francisco (Photo: dock).

The Golden Gate Bridge against the background of San Francisco (Photo: dock).

What is the appeal of San Francisco? Why singer Tony Bennett, in his famous song says, I Left My Heart In San Francisco, 'His heart adrift in San Francisco' and not in Boston or Cincinnati?

The city of San Francisco is hilly is the largest city in America thirteen. Three other larger cities in the state of California are Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Jose. But each year San Francisco was number one or two in the United States in the number of tourists who visit.

What is the appeal of San Francisco? Why singer Tony Bennett, in his famous song says, I Left My Heart In San Francisco, "His heart is adrift in San Francisco" and not in Boston or Cincinnati?

Perhaps because of its natural state, the city was often shrouded in mist along 40 steep hill overlooking the sparkling San Francisco Bay.

The houses are uniquely styled Victorian era in Haight-Ashbury district, which is characteristic of the city of San Francisco.

The houses are uniquely styled Victorian era in Haight-Ashbury district, which is characteristic of the city of San Francisco.

Many residential areas densely populated surrounding hills were full of style houses ornate Victorian era, and called the "Painted Ladies".

Given the beautiful beaches, waterfront area bustling trading, the two most magnificent bridge in the world, and a large city park, it is not surprising that San Francisco is ideally desirable and expensive, place to stay, as well as fun to visit.

In addition to theaters a good show, the oldest ballet company in the United States dozens of art galleries, and thousands of fine restaurants, San Francisco exudes sophistication.

The city of San Francisco is often rain, but winters in San Francisco is not severe, and in the summer the city was cool. Very cool.

Actually, there is a proverb that is fun, which is mistakenly considered to be the words of the famous writer Mark Twain, that "the coldest winter I've ever experienced was a summer in San Francisco."

Chinatown neighborhood in the city of San Francisco (Photo: dock).

Chinatown neighborhood in the city of San Francisco (Photo: dock).

The main attraction for visitors in San Francisco are Chinatown, the largest Asian communities outside Asia. And one of the most enduring emblem of San Francisco is 37 cableway called Cable Cars - which is the only one remaining in the world.

In the living area of ​​Haight-Ashbury, we can still see people who are trying to replicate the experience of the movement "hippie '60s, the uprising in the field of politics and culture, known as the" Summer of Love "in San Francisco in 1967 ,

In the bay of San Francisco, there is Alcatraz Prison, which once used to imprison prisoners heaviest, is now open to tourists.

The appeal of this distinctive demonstrate why the American short story writer, O. Henry wrote a story titled "East Is East, and West is San Francisco", or "East is East, and West is San Francisco."


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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Understanding IP Address

Internet connection is a combination of many computers in the world. In communicating, computer-
requires a computer connected address so that the data can be placed correctly. that address
become an instrument for the identification of the destination computer to recognize the computer that sent
the data to him.

That sense of usefulness IP address. ip address
Definition IP address
Internet Protocol Address is an abbreviation of IP address. Definition of IP address is an identity
Numerical were assigned to a device such as a computer, router or printer contained in a
computer network that uses the Internet protocol as a means of communication. IP address have two

functions, namely:
As a means of identification of host or interface on the network.
This function is illustrated as the person's name as a method to identify who that person is. in

computer networks apply the same thing.
As a network location address.
This function is illustrated as our home address that indicates the location we are. To facilitate
transmission of data packets, the IP address contains information of its existence. There is a service that

must be passed in order that the data
can get to the destination computer.
IP addresses use 32-bit numbers. This system is known as the Internet Protocol version 4 or IPv4.
IPv4 is currently still in use although there are already IPv6, introduced in 1995. This is because

high growth in the number of computers connected to the Internet. It is necessary to address more
who is able to identify many of the network members.
Format IP address
Actually addressing IP address using binary numbers. However, in order to more easily written and read

by humans, then the IP address is written by four decimal numbers, each separated by a point.
The format of writing is called dotted-decimal notation. Each decimal number represents the value of
an octet or eight bits of the IP address. An example is as follows:

If converted into binary numbers are as follows:
Which is easier to read?
Class IP address
The originator of the IP network administrators to divide it into five classes, namely A, B, C, D and E.

The difference in each class are their size and number. A class IP network is used by small
has members slightly. Then successive B and C. As for D and E is the IP address for
experimental purposes.
Network ID and Host ID
Class divisions above IP address is based on two things: the network ID and host ID. Network ID is

part of the IP address that indicates the location of the computer network is located. While the host ID
shows a whole host TCP / IP else in the network.
Demikiana dalah understanding of IP addresses that can be discussed. For more details you can restudy
each subject directly above the search engine.
Have a good study!

Function Control Panel and Function Icon-Icon in Control Panel

Function Control Panel is plays a role in regulating and supervising or memomintor use of hardware by multiple software applications and consumer. Control panel is repesentasi of the operating system that provides facilities to manage the functions of the computer, such as an application program, hardware (hardware), network connections, display settings Windows, and the Windows account settings. Control panel is part of Microsoft Windows that allows users to view and manipulate basic system settings and controls via the applet, for example such as adding hardware, adding and removing software, controlling user accounts, and changing accessibility options.

That way the user can use a set of functions in the Control panel in accordance with their needs and to make it easier to then function control panel is grouped into several categories contained in it, such as the System and Security, Network and Internet, Hardware and Sound, Program, User Accounts and Family safety, Appearance and Personalization, Clock, Language, and Region, and Ease of access. Where of all the categories of the functions contained in the control panel are also part of the section regulating system by mengkhusus. Thus the user can search for a function to be used with ease.

There are two types of display on the control panel is "view with category" and "classic view".
1. With Category View
contol panel2
The function of the icons shown in category view, are:
Appearance and themes serves to change the display of computer screen
Network and Internet connections to work for setting? Or add a wireless network device for the home or office.
Add or remove programs function to install or remove programs and components - components of windows.
Sound, speech, and audio devices serve to change settings on the computer speakers.

Performance and maintenance serves to give a name to the work group's computer in a network.
Printers and other hardware used to change the printer settings, keyboard, other hardware
Working to change the user account and password setting computer usage.
Date, time, language, and regional options serves to set the date, time, and language of the computer.
Accessibility options serves to adjust computer settings for the display of sound and mobility.
2. With Classic View

1. Accessibility Options, this serves as a regulator of work a computer.
2. Add Hardware, serves as a program to install the hardware in a computer.
3. Add or remove programs, which serves as an insert and remove the program from your computer.
4. Administrative Tools, which contains various options for configuring the system on Windows OS.
5. Automatic Updates, which serves to update the windows automatically.
6. Date / Time, which serves to adjust the time settings on the computer.
7. Display, which serves set, settings related to the computer screen as change the screen background and screen saver.
8. Folder Options, which serves to adjust your view files and folders and change file associations make network files available offline.
9. Fonts, which serves as a shelter all the letters, which are used on a computer to write.
10. Game Controller, which serves to regulate the stick when the game will be used.
11. Internet Options, which serves as regulate the Internet to be used.
12. Keyboard, which serves as the set speed / reflex keyboard used.
13. Mail, which serves to regulate electronic mail (e - mail).
14. Mouse, which serves as a regulator of the pace of work on the mouse.
15. Network Connection, which serves as the setting for connecting to another computer using the computer network and the Internet.
16. Phone and Modem Options, is used to configure the phone dialing rules and modem settings.
17. Power Options, functioning as energy saving configuration settings for the computer.
18. Printer and Faxes, function shows the installed printers and fax printers and also helped add a new one.
19. Regional and Language, Options serves as the setting for adjusting the display language, numbers, time and date.
20. Scanners and Cameras, serves to add, remove and configure scanners and cameras.

21. Scheduled tasks, functions to schedule tasks to run automatically.
22. Security Centre, is used to monitor and configure the security of the computer used.
23. Sounds and Audio Devices, which serves to change the sound scheme, configure settings for the speaker and recording devices.
24. Speech, serves to change the setting text-to-speech and speech recognition for.
25. System, functioning view information computer system, and change the settings for hardware, performance and automatic updates.
 26. Taskbar and Start Menu, serves to adjust the start menu and taskbar, such as the types of items to be displayed and how they should appear.
27. User Account, and working to change the password setting of computer usage.
28. Windows Firewall, which serves to protect a computer connected to the network from unwanted access.
29. Wireless Network Setup Wizard, or add functions to manage a wireless network (wirelessly).
30. Date / Time, which serves to adjust the time settings on the computer.
31. Network Connection Setup, befungsi to set up the network connection to be used.
32. Portable Media Devices, serves to see the media / portable device that connects to a computer.
33. Windows Media connect, serves to connect a device to be connected to the computer.
34. Virus Scan, serves as detecting viral entry, when data is being done.
35. Automatic Updates, which serves to update the windows automatically.
36. BDE Administrator, which serves as Aministrator program.

May be useful…..